Change your diet, change your life // CARNIVORE MASTERMIND LIVE

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Welcome to Carnivore Mastermind! This week we’ll be discussing the ways adopting a Proper Human Diet can literally CHANGE …

5 replies
  1. @papaketovore
    @papaketovore says:

    Great show all y’all!!!😊😊😊

    My biggest benefits are too many to list but the top 3 are:

    1) reversing/curing my type 2 diabetes

    2) putting my depression and anxiety into full remission (and now off all meds)

    3) weight loss… I’ve lost 82 lbs (300 lbs to now 218). I’m gonna be 62 in June and i feel like I’m in my 20’s again!!

    Other major benefits include curing/reversing high blood pressure, acid reflux, sleep apnea/snoring, chronic fatigue and arthritis in my knees and back, IBS, migraine headaches, brain fog and more…

    My energy levels and mental clarity and focus is off the charts and I only wish everyone in this planet can one day feel as AMAZING as I feel on a Proper Human Diet.

    Keep up the GREAT JOB you guys, GREAT SHOW!!😊😊🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🐮🐑🥓🐷🍤🐠🌹🌹🌹


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