CHANGE of Plans. Its happening AGAIN!

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Today we are chatting about what the heck is going on over here. Life is just crazy you guys and I simply have no words. Stay safe and healthy my friends.

30 replies
  1. Crystal Gentry
    Crystal Gentry says:

    Hi Keira so sorry to hear what you’re going through I listened to Vanessa‘s video so I also know what’s going on with her family I have an auto immune disease and I’ve had it for years since Covid has been going around I have not really been going anywhere hardly at all and I just found out last week that I’m very very anemic and due to my autoimmune disease I was able to get the first shot but then I started having complications from the shot so now I’m kind of in a holding pattern where I really can’t go anywhere or do anything and I can’t get the shot because all my blood counts are so low hope to hear from you

  2. Jana Pinson
    Jana Pinson says:

    I’m sorry that Madison couldn’t make it after all the plans had been made. I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason tho. Sometimes we find out what it was, sometimes not. I hope Vanessa recovers completely and Madison doesn’t get it🙏 Stay safe. I’ll be soooo friggin glad when this is over!

  3. Amie Riddles
    Amie Riddles says:

    I TOTALLY SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU… I deal with anxiety almost daily and I am scared and paranoid in the same ways you are… BUT FIRST be thankful that Vanessa and her family all came through it without loosing anyone and SECOND be thankful it was discovered before Madison came to your house and not after she got there and all of u possibly got it… something thay helps me is to find positives in the bad… love ya girl!

  4. Perpetual Mommy
    Perpetual Mommy says:

    You/Me= same. I used to be the biggest people person (and have always been a germaphobe), and now I am anxious and never feel safe out of my house or around people- my kids are homeschooled now because I don’t trust anything to being safe. I am so sorry that Madison was unable to visit….your disappointment was sadness was so raw- I am so sorry.

  5. Karyn Gould
    Karyn Gould says:

    😱 oh no!. I’m so sorry you feel this way. My son has has had his engagement party cancelled 3 times!

    This Delta COVID strain is travelling very fast here in Melbourne and Sydney 🇦🇺. We are in lockdown AGAIN.We have some real stupid people 90,000 protester. I have never seen stupidity and selfishness at this level in our state ever🤬. They said they were “tradies” protesting against being shut down for 2 weeks, but they were thugs and antivaxers just stirring up trouble and looking for a fight with police and media. The world has gone made!
    Thinking of you at this time❤️❤️

  6. Barb Jones
    Barb Jones says:

    So sorry to hear, all your plans have changed. My prayers for Madison and Vanessa and you also. I lost a sister to COVID-19 last year, very sad. Our country right now back to more cases, now we have to use a vaccination certificate to go out to restaurants and other places. If your not doubled vaccinated you can’t go out for dinner or go to movies or gym. Prayers for you girl. ❤️🇨🇦🐶

  7. Angela Campana
    Angela Campana says:

    I’m sorry your plans changed but you did the right thing, god forbid Madison was carrying covid and inadvertently passed it onto your family, you’d both feel terrible. Covid is a frikkin nightmare, I buried a good friend, who was a healthy guy and fully vaccinated a month ago, I buried my beloved cousin today, I’m heartbroken. My cousin was the sweetest guy who’d give the shirt off his back to anyone in need, he was the person who’d be at your door, without asking, to lend a hand, he’d make you smile when you felt down and give you a hug to make you feel better. Heaven gained an Angel the day he left this world and we, all his loved ones left behind are devastated all bc of covid. He’s got 2 daughters and his first gig doing his “father of the bride” duties is in 2 weeks and he’s gone, COVID sucks and is ruining peoples lives around the world bc it’s merciless. I pray for us all💔

  8. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    So sorry to hear that Madison had to cancel her trip but it was the best decision to make to protect yourself and your family. I know Vanessa is doing better and I hope Matt doesn’t have terrible symptoms. It is scary that so many people are coming down with COVID even though they are vaccinated. Being a senior citizen (chronologically anyway) I am planning to get the booster next week. We have still been as careful as we can. We are still avoiding large crowds and only eat outside on patios. Take care of yourself and remember to breathe-stay safe my friend!

  9. Lori Isaacs
    Lori Isaacs says:

    Two people that I use to work with passed away next week with Covid!! I’m on high alert as well!! They were both fully vaccinated and that scares me so much too!! I don’t want to leave the house either!! I had to go to my Dr today and my anxiety was at a million, one person didn’t have a mask but the rest of us had our on!! I’m so sorry your plans got ruined by Covid😞 I hope y’all can get together soon♥️♥️

  10. Gail Ebdrup
    Gail Ebdrup says:

    I am so sorry your friend is not able to come. I am glad that your family 👩‍👧👨‍👨‍👦‍👦so far has not been sick. 🥵 Love you all. 🥰 This is stressful times and you are a strong woman 🙋🏽‍♀️.

  11. Sarah Newman
    Sarah Newman says:

    Omg I’m so sorry …

    but I had couldn’t connect with you more then the segment of you ranting about the flies , I actually had to rewind it and tape it on my phone to text to my husband … omg I’m always whining to my him about normal seasonal bugs . I’ve had the exterminator out as well and both my husband and exterminator think I’m crazy I think lol.

  12. Carolyn Eastman
    Carolyn Eastman says:

    I’m so sorry for you, your family, your friends and your plans…..for me, what keeps me sane is my faith…..God doesn’t want us to live in fear, so, I take all the necessary precautions and refuse to live in fear….this isn’t for everyone, I’m just sharing what works for me….take care and you and yours will be on my prayer list….

  13. Jaisy D
    Jaisy D says:

    On no. Sorry to hear! This is a crazy world we’re in right now. As much as it sucks (if I were in your shoes) I’d cancel going to the wedding. Try to protect your family the best you can… I’m sure they will understand. Covid really is everywhere right now.

    My family has been isolating basically since it started. Avoiding everything and limiting time in public. Following all the guidelines. We let our guard down for the first time in almost two years, we had two friends over for dinner. They did not have symptoms or seem sick at all… within five days my entire house was sick with covid! I’m still currently trying to recover!


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