Carnivore Diet: I Made A MISTAKE

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I’ve been talking about the Carnivore Diet on this channel for a month now and I made a mistake that I need to clear up. If you’ve …

37 replies
  1. PMA
    PMA says:

    4 year strict carnivore here and I concur with what you say. I naturally only eat once a day for two reasons. One being I am not hungry and 2 it fits my lifestyle. Another benefit of it all is that I look forward to the same meal nearly ever day. I will always include eggs with either steak or burgers or mince. Before this I would be trying to eat different ever day. Now that is gone so now I look forward to read meat of some kind and at least 10 eggs. I do not drive and cycle everywhere now. I cannot praise the lifestyle highly enough. I get on with life now. And as you say. You do not have to be regimented to a intermittent fasting at all just eat when you are hungry to start off with. The rest will fall into place as time goes on. Super video as always.

  2. Lisa Reiter
    Lisa Reiter says:

    Thanks for clarifying that. I’m still transitioning, it’s a process to gradually train your brain as well as your body to not eat carbs firstly, and be fat adapted. Then get used to cutting things out until you’re ready to go full Carnivore. I had Indian with hubby last night, the tiniest bit of rice and some mango chutney with my chicken. OMG! Am I paying for that now 😖 it’s a reminder why I’m trying to change over 😏 This will be my final transition point, every time I lapse, I pay the price. I’ve been feeling so good lately, but not today, hopefully it will settle quickly 🙄

  3. Trenton Harris
    Trenton Harris says:

    In order to eat a ketogenic diet SAFELY, one must eat at least one large meal a day consisting of enough protein and fat to cause a significant spike in one's insulin and cycle out of ketosis. If you require any extra energy for any reason then it is fine to eat another SMALLER meal in addition to your main meal.

  4. Mat Morgan
    Mat Morgan says:

    Out of interest, you’re in Japan yes? I’m sure they have some meat cooked on a brazier, Korean Bulgogi style, something like this. I mean of course they do. Do you ever go out for carnivore Asian style? If so what do you order?
    Great chats mate, I enjoy the style, story and succinctness.

  5. Charles Duke
    Charles Duke says:

    Intermittent fasting, keto diet and carnivore are variations on a theme and can be used together but it isn't required. The common theme is avoiding carbohydrates and going into ketosis. In intermittent fasting, you go into ketosis for a while every day even if you are eating some carbs. In keto you are in ketosis all the time while you keep it. In carnivore, you go an extra step by avoiding vegetables for their presumed negative effects on inflammation an all that. Someone might correct me, but adding IF to keto or carnivore isn't really adding much except from a practical point of view, in that you are eating less. For me another benefit is avoiding esophageal reflux at night. Not a problem if I haven't eaten anything since 5 pm.

  6. Peter S
    Peter S says:

    Here's a rationale as to carnivore may work so well. First put forward in 2005 by professors Raubenheimer and Stephen Simpson, the Protein Leverage Hypothesis argues that people overeat fats and carbohydrates because of the body’s strong appetite for protein, which the body actively favors over everything else. Ultra processed food diets have less than 15% protein and are addictive so people eat more to fill the protein quota. Researchers found those who have a large protein meal in am consume less over the day.

  7. Allen Chamberlain
    Allen Chamberlain says:

    Hey Dave, Just subscribed. I like down to earth carnivore practitioners who just tell it like it is. There are so many sites that for doctor information which is fine but sometimes you want to hear accounts from your peers. Good job, keep up the good work. You might consider putting a windscreen on your mike. I see you're talking across it which is fine but you are still getting lots of plosives from your p's and b's which pops my subwoofer. As far a coffee is concerned, I drink lots of coffee and was a bit concerned until I saw this video on the youtube channel recently on coffee. It is on the ZOE channel. They explain the research very well. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to catching more of your videos.

  8. Justin Gillott
    Justin Gillott says:

    Excellent video and explanation. It's also important for people who are newer to this approach to understand that there are going to be time periods that things will change. It's not always going to be the same eating window and or eating pattern daily. For example, this week I've already done a 30 hour fast. Not purposely, it just happened that way. I also have days where I'm hungry and I eat 3 meals. There are no specific rules that apply to everyone. Just stick with it and listen to your body.

  9. Dianna Darling
    Dianna Darling says:

    I saw on Shawn Baker’s channel that you reached out to Senator-elect Fetterman… excellent! I thought carnivore would be good for him too!
    I wanted to like or “retweet” but I couldn’t figure out where etc… are you going to make a video about it?
    D 🧙‍♀️

  10. Denise McKinney
    Denise McKinney says:

    Silly me went from eating whatever, whenever on Monday to omad carni Tuesday this week. Yeah. No. So, today, two meals and ketovore. That I can manage! Thanks for the video! I knew better, but thought I could handle. Nope!

  11. MidnightModder
    MidnightModder says:

    WHY has clickbait become such a huge trend amongst carnivore youtubers? And it all leans to one side; the insinuation that carnivore is bad, just for the video to be how carnivore is good. It's like none of you have the balls to outright proclaim how good carnivore is in the titles and thumbnails. Misleading clickbait is scummy asf, and anyone who tries to convince me otherwise needs to check their moral compass. Heaven forbid we have honest titles and thumbnails that don't mislead people and instead actually give an open and honest representation of the video!

  12. Brenda Maggio
    Brenda Maggio says:

    I know nothing about your health history, but as a former ICU RN I automatically do a physical assessment when I see person. Other minds go to "are they hot or not", mine just goes to "hey, one of your eyes is smaller than the other!" That is a sign of some type of neurological damage. If you are only eating one meal a day, you are not getting all of the nutrition your body requires, especially if you are not taking a bunch of supplements. You are here attempting to help others with their health and sharing your experiences, so evidently, you have/had issues too. So here are some suggestions I have for you!

    If you are eating a lot of pesticide-sprayed-hay and corn fed meats and not organically-raised food, then you are getting concentrated doses of neurological toxins in those non-organic foods. Toxins are stored in fat, including your brain and nervous system, since they have an affinity for fat. Thus the ones in your brain are affecting the size of your eyes. Might want to see a chiropractor that does applied kinesiology and assess you for toxins, and maybe help detoxify your brain before you get early-onset Alzheimer's and dementia. That technique is discredited by western medicine "practicers of death", but it has made all the difference in my being alive today. If you have mercury amalgam fillings, you might want to look into getting those removed and detoxing from the mercury, too. You only want to work with people that are trained in this, as it can be dangerous.

    I recommend a chiropractor if available, since maybe it's structural-related, which a western medical doctor won't address with structural manipulations. Most MD's are ignorant about the cumulative, additive, synergistic effect of low-dose toxins on health, as well. The only ones that are trained in that area of medicine are called MD's of Environmental Medicine or Integrative Medicine specialists. However, they are WAY more expensive than chiropractors that have the toxic-effects knowledge. Again, not all chiropractors are going to be of help there, either. Very few learn about the ill effects of toxins, too. A naturopath may also be of help, but again, are way more expensive. Usually insurance doesn't cover care for this, which is why I give the less expensive care recommendation first. The standard of care for the toxic-affected brain is to leave the toxins there, and wait until dementia and Alzheimer's occurs. Then the systems make LOTS more money on the sick cash cows!

    Good luck with your search, should you decide to undertake it! They will also be able to support you through the caffeine addiction and withdrawl. Just my "thoughts"! Take care!

  13. Susanna van Valkenburg
    Susanna van Valkenburg says:

    OMAD feels natural after adapting carnivore diet fully. I drink two cups of espresso in the morning ( it's like 4 shots of coffee) and eat one meal about in midday. It took some time to find out right time to eat. I stopped consuming extra butter and dairy. Dairy is tricking a hunger spot in me. I dropped that couple of weeks ago and feel very content with one time eating. Espresso I just don't want to give up . I'm Finnish, instead blood we have coffee floating in our veins😂

  14. Dave Peterschmidt
    Dave Peterschmidt says:

    In terms of intermittent fasting, while technically that's not required, you do need to eat at least one fairly large, high protein meal daily. If you don't, you will spend too much time in ketosis and will start having electrolyte problems. So, once you are well adapted to eating carnivore, make sure you get 5-6 large, high protein meals each week. Protein stimulates insulin well enough to keep you out of ketosis for a few hours and avoid the electrolyte depletion issue.

  15. safffff1000
    safffff1000 says:

    All I hear is about losing weight, I think the world is full of fatties. Lose , lose, lose is all I here. If I eat when hungry or full I lose weight I don't want too, I went carnivore an was at good wt. but lost 16lb, now I'm under.

  16. Anotheryou21
    Anotheryou21 says:

    Thanks for the clarification, I think everyone has their own quirks and questions they need to work out as they go. So far I've worked out that I was eating too much and that I do better if i don't eat after about 3 pm the latest. Mostly OMAD but do have generous amount of cream in morning coffee. Probably spoils some of my appetite for later but not quite ready to forego the coffee. Good luck everyone.

  17. Owl Ernator
    Owl Ernator says:

    I'm experiencing my first night of Insomnia tonight. It's 2:50 am and I still feel Energised from my day?!  

    It's strange, but I'm just NOT tired?!  

    Well, I'm off to the Gym in a few hours, so I'II just stay up and DO something!!

  18. Mrs. Newsom
    Mrs. Newsom says:

    I spent 3 solid months (after eating more meats and vegetables and adding fruit for several years) eating nothing but green vegetables, eggs, and meat. I lost 50 pounds doing it adding in walking and light strength training. That was approx. 13 years ago. I will be trying the carnivore diet because I have severly strayed away from that way of eating and am now in very bad shape with joint pain, chronic migraines, and other issues that have popped up. I now have been eating processed foods and sweets like I've never eatin them before. I've done it to myself and am now in the worse shape of my life. I've been transitioning for about a week now. I began simply by replacing some of my breakfasts and lunches with nothing but meat in small amounts.


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