Carnivore Diet – I AM STOPPING (202 Days In)- My Last Meal

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Carnivore Diet – I AM STOPPING (202 Days In). Lets Talk about it and the reasons why. Professor Seyfried: …

40 replies
  1. @Homesteadhow
    @Homesteadhow says:

    🎬 *Carnivore Diet Documentary—Be Part of the Revolution!*

    We're crafting a ground-breaking documentary, revealing the transformative power of the carnivore diet. Follow real people for a year, including those battling obesity, diabetes, and arthritis. This is a project for the people, by the people—and we need YOU!

    🌐 Learn More & Contribute: [GoFundMe](
    🌐 Visit our official site: [Carnivore Diet Movie](

  2. @naderzelli1960
    @naderzelli1960 says:

    Hi there, fasting is a good thing to do at least twice a month , what I think about bacon and eggs is yolk should be running and white should be hard and the problem with bacon are high in omega 6 plus other grains, and maybe it would be nice to have some salads with broccoli before meals have a nice day

  3. @RunDM3
    @RunDM3 says:

    Late to this video but I have no doubt they are demonizing meat eggs and dairy because that’s what we’re supposed to eat…absolute monsters running the show.

  4. @babycakes9976
    @babycakes9976 says:

    Cancers began due to the chemicals, industrial waste began the "Industrial revolution" Ozone depletion, atomic bonb testing. Now, micro toxic plasticides.. Thousands of new chemicals daily. Lions diet is organs. Don't guess…seek functional doctors. Peace-out!

  5. @uncareid5557
    @uncareid5557 says:

    This IS click bait! You are not quitting, you are pausing for a fast. Lion diet IS carnivore, just super carnivore. Subbed, but no thumb on this one. Did you ever do an update on your friend's condition?

  6. @neilbush9873
    @neilbush9873 says:

    ❤it just doesent seem wise to base your diet on your imagination of the past.
    People ate greens seeds and berrys whenever they could .
    hunting, without gunshun is a big expenditure on energy and un reliable.
    I listened to an indegenous australian lady talking she said the woman collected seeds ,berries and reptiles during the day and provided most of the food .kangaroo meat was also speared and was eaten partially
    Malcolm Douglas has some vidios on utube touching on what they ate and how it was prepared, ie whole mud frogs lightly baked on the coales😮 or honey or various insect larvae.
    He made the observation they were great opportunists.
    I hope you find a cure for your back, keep experimenting❤

  7. @jamiewilson-hull7236
    @jamiewilson-hull7236 says:

    They say that The Carnivore diet is not sustainable for good reason. I was on Atkins twice and I lost weight each time but at a cost physically. I would eat eggs but more whites or egg beaters. Don't you know that the Carnivore diet is meant as an elimination thing and that red meat is not good? I don't say that. Scientists did. And not only is your friend doing all that he can do but what good does the diet do if it causes cancer or one gets it? Remember that the word "diet" means something to fall off of. Best of luck! 😅

  8. @atabac
    @atabac says:

    just eat unprocessed, plant based much better long term. eating animal proteins should be less frequent or depending on how you exercise or physical activity.

  9. @KingOfAssyria_IIVI
    @KingOfAssyria_IIVI says:

    I know this vid is abit old. To cure the inflammation search up hijama. It's the cupping, it takes the inflammation away.
    My wife had that after glass went into her leg. All the jelly like inflammation came out in a cup, she healed.
    All u need is a session or two and u are healed. Search it up an find out the name in English. HIJAMA.
    MAKE SURE it's a regular place an not some weird house where they get u to do enchantments lol

  10. @user-to7je5qn4r
    @user-to7je5qn4r says:

    The whole food plant base, is anti-inflammatory. Meat is not. Sorry about your friend, but sounds like he is getting the wrong information . Humans have been eating more meat in the modern world and look at the cancer rate. No one gets cancer from plants.

  11. @sandravaldez6278
    @sandravaldez6278 says:

    People in this country go to extremes everybody’s different but then again our ancestors had a shorter life expectancy even if they only hate meat. I think it’s a balance of everything. The basic foods they ate were vegetables, nuts, herbs, meat, they hunted and cooked in the fire, and they had a lot of physical activity trying to get their meals every day 😂We seat our asses every day without any activity hoping for a miracle the human body was designed to move. Stop eating process food and start walking. There’s nothing wrong with eating meat, but there’s nothing wrong with mixing it up, it doesn’t have to be extreme, but we live extreme in the US ! Later we cried about the side effects. Balance its the hard key to open.

  12. @jalemo
    @jalemo says:

    If you are routinely using the pink salt, you are missing the iodine. That will possibly cause the pain you described. Even on a water fast you will need salt and iodine in it. You could always use sea kelp to get your iodine.

  13. @mynorthernfarm7324
    @mynorthernfarm7324 says:

    I’m doing 60 hr water fast now.
    Just started watching your channel been keto 7 months and switched over to carnivore 1 1/2 weeks ago to see different wasn’t hard of a switch I was doing up to about15 to 20 carbs on keto per day,
    Thanks for all your info you share

  14. @jaksonvice807
    @jaksonvice807 says:

    The medical industrial complex like all venues of science mostly LIES TO US! So the QUESTION is why would you take CHEMO? Chemo is a FARCE! short story, cancer is being orchestrated(NOT GENETIC) like everything else that's evil! For the first time in several decades Google has reduced the number 1 cause of death in America from being medical mistakes (DOCTOR SCREWUPS) to number 3 now they won't tell us exactly but ADMIT it's at least $250,000 people a year die again FROM MEDICAL MISTAKES(dr.SCREW-Ups) do the research

  15. @ComeHereGreatness
    @ComeHereGreatness says:

    People often lean to the medical side because they are considered "highly educated". In which, a lot of areas it is true. However, it appears fasting provides a solid foundation of recovery that isn't being offered.

  16. @samhassan82
    @samhassan82 says:

    People out there !! Don't take chemo cancer will be back !! You need physical therapy
    Prolonged fasting up to one month
    Refeeding period gradually with probiotics and high healthy fat very light fats like olive oil/ coconut oil / Avocado oil and some seeds and nuts .
    Do veggies if you tolerate it with lean protein first week then red meat and fatty fishes .
    Stop sugar and carbs .
    Don't listen to stupid doctors and go to professional functional doctor!
    Tests to know if you have viruses/ bacteria/ candida from aggressive families.
    Herbs all of it eat cancer cells and rejuvenate your body .
    Supplements/ vitamins / minerals .
    It's not an illness , It's your cells and body angry of you ✅👍

  17. @marianclough8577
    @marianclough8577 says:

    I listen to my body everyday. June 1 will begin my 18th month on Carnivore. I haven't eaten out since day 1 because (and this is from actual chefs) restaurants will say that they don't use seed oils … but they do and they won't change. I cut back on bacon every now and then, too.

  18. @EL-be_real
    @EL-be_real says:

    Why does "the human diet" have to be in the extreme? Plants or meat? I think throughout history people ate both animals products and by-products, AND also fruits and vegetables and legumes etc. The key on both diets seems to be to stay away from sugar, junk food and processed food…

  19. @marekbydzovsky9734
    @marekbydzovsky9734 says:

    Ofc you lost pounds everyone types, body makes glucose from fat. The liver does it 😂 people need sugar, proper sugar. The ancients lore bout meat and fasting ofc they did. What they had to do else?? That not means that is healthy. Every stres is stres from food from work body reacts same. Release adrenalin, kortizol. Adrenals damage. The fasting, ice bathing man adrenals pumpin so much hormones out. BUT sometimes when you are ill can be good couse you dont have time heal naturaly i guess

  20. @tex24
    @tex24 says:

    Dude… Just came across your channel. I'm definitely dealing with inflamation (too much process foods and sugar). Will also search your chanel for the red egg (never seen that before)

  21. @hossskul544
    @hossskul544 says:

    2:46 what do you mean a water fast? Do you mean you don't drink water for five days? I think you're using the wrong terminology, you mean you're going on a fast, fasting means you don't eat food but you drink water so you calling Water fast is misleading uhhhhhh

  22. @hossskul544
    @hossskul544 says:

    2:46 what do you mean a water fast? Do you mean you don't drink water for five days? I think you're using the wrong terminology, you mean you're going on a fast, fasting means you don't eat food but you drink water so you calling Water fast is misleading uhhhhhh


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