Carnivore Diet Dangers? 2 Doctors Answer Questions [Dr Anthony Chaffee]

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Many “experts” claim eating meat is dangerous in some way. Red meat, animal fat, & cholesterol in the diet worry many people, …

27 replies
  1. skincarejerk
    skincarejerk says:

    @32:00 or so, when Dr. Chaffee talks about how indoctrinated we are that plants are good — that was totally my family's response when I first shared all this information with them. They are all well-educated and while they didn't necessarily disbelieve me, my brother specifically commented on how it's difficult to wrap your mind around. When I grew up, we got told that milk was unhealthy and to only eat a hand-sized portion of meat per day max. We got indoctrinated with this starting in elementary school. In middle school and high school health class, we always learned about low carb and atkins in the same lesson where we learned about "fad diets" like the cabbage soup diet. Up until a few months ago I still believed that red meat was unhealthy…

  2. Tracey Jennings
    Tracey Jennings says:

    Thank you so much for addressing the slower weight loss , so many people on Carnivore are thinking it should be fast. I have only lost 26lbs in 8 months which is little over half my goal. I lost almost 5 inches of the 7 inches my menopausal gain created in my waist. Body recomposition is happening and it’s so fun to see the rectangle shape return to my hourglass shape! Slow and steady is fine by me!

  3. Carmine Caiazzo
    Carmine Caiazzo says:

    just watched a video on Tic toc about Cholesterol, in terms of LDL, this person stated that consuming saturated fat is not a problem unless you already have arterial damage or a stent. Consuming high amounts of Sat. fat would naturally (since it is a healing fat) be attracted to damaged or inflamed arteries to try and heal it and ultimately cause plaque. Instead take Niacin, red yeast rice and Vit. E to stable and prevent lipoprotein small A form sticking to your arteries I am really confused and frustrated because I am certain you folks talked about going Carnivore if you have had cardiovascular problems right away which included Sat. fat. PLEASE HELP

  4. jtstar10
    jtstar10 says:

    I’m in my late 50s, been doing low carb/keto for 1 year and my latest bloodwork shows Cholesterol 395, HDL 89, LDL 292, TRIGLYCERIDES 69..
    Should I be concerned about the high cholesterol number??
    Any feedback would be appreciated!!✌️

  5. Lisa Rakic
    Lisa Rakic says:

    Sadly, there are people out there who think we should only eat fruit. Someone replied to a comment of mine about red meat, on 11/5/22, insisting that we're frugivores. I feel bad for that person.

  6. Sandy Richins
    Sandy Richins says:

    We harvest our elk and deer and add beef fat to burger
    then for summer sausage add 50/50 pork to venison.
    So blessed to know about carnivore. Crazy when you crave butter and avocado instead of sugar and carbs.

  7. Marlene Nelson
    Marlene Nelson says:

    Question: I’m 66 and been blessed to not have many menopausal symptoms but I tried eating just meat and it lasted about 2 weeks and I started to have hot flashes and was hot most of my days. I started to have a sick feeling just thinking about meat and started to just not want to eat. I have had an eating disorder and was in the hospital 2 different times. I don’t want this to become a chore for me. Could you give me some suggestions I love listening to this channel and totally believe it works for some. I have been eating keto and have fallen off a bit recently and need help. ❤️❤️❤️

  8. VegasGuy89183
    VegasGuy89183 says:

    How do you sous vide meat in a glass or silicone container? I always put the meat in a vacuum sealed BPA free bag or a Ziploc bag. I can't even picture in my mind how glass would work.

  9. Gilmour11
    Gilmour11 says:

    I’m only 22 days in but I’ve lost 15 lbs and all intense kidney and bladder pain is gone. The problem is I’m pale, dehydrated and look like I’m aging rapidly and have huge bags under my eyes for the first time in my life. I can’t stand for more than 10 minutes before I start to shake and have to lie down for a half hour to recover. NO STRENGTH or ENERGY to do ANYTHING. I don’t know where I’m going to get my electrolytes. Clearly with the muscle tightness and arrhythmia I’m having I need to get potassium quick. I don’t know where to get a potassium source. I’m eating plenty so it’s not a lack of fatty meat. I think I might be finding out that my body chemistry won’t let me survive without carbs. I am in dire trouble with weakness.


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