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Gotta love carbonara. Its one of those back pocket recipes that is so easy to whip up and packs some serious richness. This will …

33 replies
  1. Matt Blind
    Matt Blind says:

    Seems like a good time to start a new series – maybe just taking us through the seasons & your garden? Different things come into their peak at different times – give it a little bit of a narrative framework so the recipes seem more connected. Love the videos & thanks.

  2. Karla Rodriguez
    Karla Rodriguez says:

    Awesome incorporation of artichoke! I would love more pasta ideas😍Also a cake recipe with a new twist would be great like with a really good frosting that doesn’t require a pound of sugar👀

  3. Dorothy Wg
    Dorothy Wg says:

    I have been following you and Rachel since before she was pregnant with Oliver!! Your recipes are always the best and thank Rachel and you for being a part of our lives!

  4. Danielle Gamble
    Danielle Gamble says:

    This plating is incredible and a game changer for me — I’ve always been somewhat unhappy with my carbonara because I usually use at least one whole egg and an extra yolk per serving, but I mix it together before hand and then into the pasta. The sauce always feels just a little watery from the white. Never thought to add the yolk straight on top of each serving, yours looks so much tighter and luxurious. Trying this next time and going only yolk!

  5. Frilleon
    Frilleon says:

    hey bro i always thought you were a handsome guy but i gotta say the beard isn't your best look. just my advice friend sorry if it comes off the wrong way. you're still looking good my friend. good luck


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