Can't Find Meat Get These Prepper Pantry Foods Before The Panic

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Can’t Find Meat Get These Prepper Pantry Foods Before The Panic Food Shortage Panic Buying Prepper Pantry Haul Pioneer …

50 replies
  1. Jill Gott
    Jill Gott says:

    I have been telling the folks in my frugal Facebook group for a while now to try different foods – the reason is that if you try things while your regular proteins are in stock you can either buy the alternatives [ you enjoy ] as backups or at least you know what to look for in the stores when shortages happen.
    For dinner last night I cooked a Sweet Potato topped it with half a can of Bean Chili and some Cheese – it made 3 portions. This morning I took the second portion added a Scrambled Egg and Roll to the Sweet Potato , Chili and Cheese mixture. With the 3rd portion I will have Vorn and Green Beans or Salad on the side. Be creative

  2. Starr 13
    Starr 13 says:

    I got a can of Chef BRD beefaroni. Not lke I remember from a few years ago. Way more sauce and not hardly any beef. Pasta seemed different too. I won't buy it again.

  3. Bethany McLean
    Bethany McLean says:

    I decided not to stock up on sausage gravy. It doesn’t have much protein in it. I need 90 grams of protein a day because I have a malabsorption so the gravy doesn’t help me get to what I need.

  4. Janet Lynne
    Janet Lynne says:

    I found Knorr bullion for 33 cents a 10 pk. So I have jars and jars of it I'm planning to give some away if TSHF. Just add a few noodles and it will taste pretty good. I add a couple of cubes to a soup the add some dehydrated vegetables and barley to make the soup go a lot further.

  5. Sharon Ingold
    Sharon Ingold says:

    Great ideas, that helped me relax a little by remembering there are other options than just buying from the meat aisle! Thanks for providing such useful videos in a calm, common sense manner. Already too many that are making us fearful! We can survive whatever is coming!

  6. DEADNUTS0420
    DEADNUTS0420 says:

    If u cant vacuum seal or can meats go hunting but most of all buy canned meats and other things like canned chicken and beef and pork and beans and others u can look it up substitutes online on YouTube and google n other sites online too. Its well worth it all bc once its gone its gone and yes tuna too and thi k of small cans more than the huge cans bc it saves money and 1 to 2 people servings instead of wasting all the huge canned meats n fish n more too

  7. Gypsy Belle
    Gypsy Belle says:

    Thank you for including plant based ideas! πŸ˜„πŸŒ±πŸ’šGreat for vegetarians, vegans and many heath conditions, including people trying to avoid high cholesterol or who have heart issues.

  8. The Sim Architect
    The Sim Architect says:

    One thing I notice about canned meats is that we pay pure meat price for 20% of meat with 80% of sauce / fat / vegetables. Sometimes the proportions are a bit better but it's always a lousy deal. Thankfully my freezers are full, but I hate depending on the electricity grid to preserve my food. If SHTF I am screwed like everybody else ha ha. 😟

    I am doing the best I can to stock up preserved mushrooms, since we can even eat them as they come, no need to cook or even add spices if necessary. Salmon/Tuna on water is usually not terrible (still pricey in comparison to frozen/fresh prices of regular fish) and sometimes there's also turkey and chicken presented the same way. Canning at home must be awesome but you need to buy a special pressure cooker because there's a minimum pressure required to make it safe. Then it's an excellent deal because you can prepare stews while canning and have ready to eat food that suits your taste and/or nutritional needs. I am likely getting a canning station sometime in the future, once I find a good deal (they're usually really expensive).

  9. Shara Mills
    Shara Mills says:

    We live off beef and chicken breasts.We don't eat pork or shellfish. We are going to suffer when it comes to changing our whole diet once the SHTF. At least we will eat. I went to buy my 6 pack of chicken in 10 oz cans and it was $ 15.99. It used to be $9.99.

  10. N, Rob
    N, Rob says:

    In March of 2020 I did a 5-month market test on beans and rice, buying the least expensive per ounce of each.
    Then it cost 20 cents a day to live on nothing but beans and rice, making the total food cost for a year $73 total. 😲
    Was it doable? Yes! Very.
    I bought a $9.99 2 quart crock pot at the grocery store.
    Putting one half cup pinto beans 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup flour salt and pepper to taste and filling to the top with water I turned it on low when I went to sleep and had a nice warm pot of food when I woke up in the morning eating as much as I want it for breakfast lunch and supper. I was always full and had no health issues. I did it everyday for 5 months and made sure I did not allow my own thoughts to attack this way of eating.
    I only stopped because I had to move because of a pending death in the family that broke the momentum.
    I later decided to use lentils instead of pinto beans because it reduced the cook time from 2 hours to 20 minutes, anticipating grid down or fuel shortage.
    If that happens, you can lift the crock out of the crock pot and put it in your actual oven with a Sterno can on the shelf beneath removing the lid from the Sterno can only halfway to keep the flame on low then loosely wrap foil around the whole get up 2 hours later do something to push the lid back onto the can for putting it out and quickly close the oven to leave the heat in there.
    It will also be ready and warm by morning.
    Only season when you take it out to eat. I tested this too and even in a two-story apartment neighbors catty corner to me could smell any seasoning, even a teaspoon in the pot.
    This will matter when people
    panic and are stealing food.
    PS Beans and rice form a complete protein.

  11. Dan 821
    Dan 821 says:

    All excellent tips! Thank you for the ideas!
    One thing that I’ve also been doing is stocking up on canned meats like Potted Meat or Deviled Ham. We used to have these for sandwiches when o was growing up. Spread a little potted meat or deviled ham on the bread, add some pickles, carrots, lettuce, celery, or different cheeses. I had forgotten how good they tasted and have been concentrating on these smaller cans. Also one advantage is you can eat right out of the can so no need to reheat. Thank you AG! God bless!

  12. Geni Barnes
    Geni Barnes says:

    A good thing to consider is the small cans of Campbells soups are condensed so you need to store water with those as well. IMO the ready to eat larger cans are better for storage.

  13. Rachel Kivarkis
    Rachel Kivarkis says:

    God bless u, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful tips.
    U r always, so enlightening, and I look forward to ur video, and look forward to seeing it.
    Great tips, I need to go shopping and add more stuff.
    Thanks again. πŸ™β€οΈπŸ‘πŸŒΉπŸ‘πŸŒ·πŸŒŸπŸŒΌ
    Great grilling, enjoy. πŸ‘

  14. Elizabeth G
    Elizabeth G says:

    When I got the notification that Alaska Granny posted a video recommending different food prep, you already know I clicked right away!!! I have learned so much from this channel!

  15. Melisia Young
    Melisia Young says:

    Thank you AG! Even a friend I didn't think would prepare for crazier times started asking me about dehydrating veggies and fruits… I sent her some links and shared what equipment I use (Love my Excalibur) so people are getting it. I have one friend who still thinks I have completely 'dropped my basket'… but we just don't talk about it. I continue my focus on single servings preps and of course prepping for kitty.

  16. Sue Dalimonte
    Sue Dalimonte says:

    Thank you for sharing all these great ideas. I was just at dollar general a couple of days ago and got two large cans of chunked white chicken for a little over $3. I will go back get more of those and some of their roast beef and gravy for my pantry. Stay safe

  17. Mjolnir Mark 7 Generation III
    Mjolnir Mark 7 Generation III says:

    I feel for the 92% to 94% of folks, that are stuck in normalcy bias, they only have a week worth or two at best, of food on hand.

    Waiting for a crisis is right at your door, or in your face is a big mistake!

    The floods to the stores, is going to be awful to watch on Tv!

    Come on folks wake up!

  18. Valerie R
    Valerie R says:

    Great ideas, AG! I got 4 – packs of canned chicken at Walmart last week for 7.99. That's $2 per can – cheaper than the 6 packs at Sam's. But I found out why they were so inexpensive when I went to put them in my cart. Many were quite dented, so not good for long term storage. I got down on hands and knees and looked through them to find the ones that weren't dented, or were only slightly dented on the rims. I must have raised some eyebrows, but I don't care.

  19. Mary Mechler
    Mary Mechler says:

    Great ideas! Bouillon is so versatile. Off topic, if anyone sees the very long zip ties at Dollar Tree again, please post. I've been looking for them for quite awhile. Thanks!

  20. William Maurer
    William Maurer says:

    I tried textured vegetable protein (TVP) as a meat substitute. Not bad at all, you can buy it in bulk, it can be flavored and it stores well/easily. Check it out. It comes in different textures/sizes: curls, nuggets, ground like hamburger, etc. Add the ground TVP to your canned chili or spaghetti sauce … presto it gets meaty. The nuggets when flavored as chicken work well with rice, fried rice and in stir fries. I'm sure there's tons more, I just started learning how to use TVP.

    I've also been thinking about the advantages of preprepared canned meals like: Chef Boyardee pastas, Chili, soups, stews, chowders, etc.. Seeing potable water might become a rarity, when you store these kind of food supplies you're storing water too. It's a two for, not a bad thing.

    Thx AG, one of my favorite go to channels for solid, doable, no nonsense good advice, thoughts and tips about being prepared. Consume less, waste nothing, conserve everything. Progress not perfection. As the Moody Blues said: "Give just a little bit more, take a little bit less from each other tonight …", help the weak and powerless. PEACE OUT.

    Why do I keep coming back to SPAM? LOL! IMO, might be one of the perfect prepper food staples … like rice & beans.

  21. Small Tool Restoration.
    Small Tool Restoration. says:

    Tomatoes are in short supply here in the UK due to the increase in energy prices reducing the amount growers planted in units that require heating to have the tomatoes grow.

    Because of this, I've been slowly upping my tinned tomatoes so I have alternatives. Plus, I'm growing my own tomatoes this year.

    For meat, I also love fish, so I have a lot of different tinned fish types. Tuna is still affordable.

  22. Villie Haizlip
    Villie Haizlip says:

    Had thought of quality long ago during pandemic bc of shutdowns n now people can't find or qualifie for good work ethic. Our places of food supplies are strangely burning down and or food animals are being culled. Seen this going on in EU reports. Came to people's backyards even if you had a vet verified. Just remember to rotate dates is the best answer besides.just have some on a shelf.

  23. Go Hawks
    Go Hawks says:

    I guess I will make a separate comment here, just to encourage people to learn to make vegan meats/condiments. Not pushing veganism; I like my meat & cheese! But if you learn how to make vegan stuff, you can stock up on ingredients that are shelf stable AND learn how to balance things right (such as needing supplements or whatever). I only throw this out there because it's an option. Imagine we're suffering a year out, and you don't have meat anymore. Not all of us hunt, even if we get trying. Sure, maybe we will be a atronger community by then, but you don't want to present yourself as a needy member. My friend who is LDS told me she was stocked up for years, in case something happened. I had no idea how one could be stocked up that much (had no idea about the vegetarian thing; she never bragged or anything). It is a really good idea to learn this now before time comes where you have to rely on it. Just sayin. May this never happen, and we all can swim in steaks and chicken parmesan or whatever. But not likely, is it?

  24. Theresa Logsdon
    Theresa Logsdon says:

    Thanks for the Tips.
    That also have Ham Salad with the Crackers aswell. It is tasty.
    I like the Soup/Stews with Meats n Veggies.
    Hope Everyone is able to get some Prepping done, every little bit you can get Will Help.
    Even $5.00, that can be or more meals, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Crackers, Canned Ravoili or Spaghetti n Meatballs or Beans n Rice. Alaska Granny is a Good Source if information.
    Tha Canned Breakfast Gravy n Sausage is Good.


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