Can We Catch The Imposter Chef? (ft. Kendahl Landreth)

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Today, we’re joined by Kendahl Landreth to see if she can compete with the Mythical chefs! Check out Kendahl on YouTube and …

20 replies
  1. Mike Cole
    Mike Cole says:

    Has anybody actually checked Josh’s credentials. I feel like the only paperwork he really has is a copy of the paperwork used to commit him from whichever mental health facility he escaped from.

  2. BroGrab
    BroGrab says:

    Props to everyone at Mythical for using preferred pronouns. It makes my liberal middle aged southern heart happy to see Rhett and Link never misgender their crew members.

  3. Myke
    Myke says:

    josh recipe is almost the same of my grandmother, then it went down the drains, if you add too much milk you gotta evaporate it on low heat stiring non stop until it get the right consistance and dont burn, or add more potatos, it was too liquid and too white, we do also like mayonesse on the potatos cuz we eat this puree with hot dogs, ketchup, mostard and mayo we are from brazil

  4. Konrow
    Konrow says:

    YES for fermentation! Thank you Lily for bringing some fermentation into Mythical. Inspired me to maybe finally start on some weird pickle ideas I had.


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