Can the New Air Fryer/Instant Pot Duo Replace Your Entire Kitchen?

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Multi Cookers have become extremely popular over the few years because of the incredible range of use you can get out of them. So when Instant pot decided to …

27 replies
  1. David J
    David J says:

    YES I want to see more instant pot and air fryer experiments. There are a lot of people who have the IP and have used it for a while, but very few people who have been willing to try putting it though its paces cooking new things.

  2. Anna Megeduke
    Anna Megeduke says:

    Great recipes! 👌😊Thank you! Will definitely be using some of the techniques!👍
    Though my heart aches seeing how you’re scratching the bottom of the pot with the fork or a spoon…🥲

  3. Kinky2
    Kinky2 says:

    If I bought that combo, I would have ZERO working space on my counter. I sure don't have a cabinet to store it in and the thought of millions of those in the landfills, once the fad fades, gives ME the heeby-jeebies. And when the electricity goes off, how does it fare on an open flame in your backyard? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂

  4. Bruce Darling
    Bruce Darling says:

    I bought an Instant Pot Duo today . My first recipe was lamb stew. Best ever! Easy to use. I have many kitchen gadgets. This is one of my favorites … on par with the Breville Smart Oven Air.

  5. nommh
    nommh says:

    Thanks for a video full of inspirations! I already have two pressure cookers on an induction top, so I don’t need an instant pot, but I just ordered an air fryer. That rice cake is next level and I’ll attempt that roasted salsa as soon as the air fryer arrives.

  6. Samantha Millard
    Samantha Millard says:

    Does your pot have a rice mode? If not, cook your rice on low pressure rather than high pressure. I get great rice from my pot with rice mode. I know a lot of people struggle, but I think they are usually using high pressure for theirs. For regular long grain white rice I do 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water. Perfection! I got rid of my rice cooker it is so good.

  7. greg mulqueen
    greg mulqueen says:

    Hi Mike, I've been a long time follower of you and your brother when you did Brothers eat green. The instant pot you have has sous vide option, any tips on the best use of this option? Thanks in advance and keep up the great containt.


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