Call Your Mother feat. Adam Friedland | Chapo Trap House

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Episode 756 – Call Your Mother feat. Adam Friedland (8/8/23) Subscribe at

50 replies
    CCFMAFIA says:

    Hearing Will tell Adam to shut the fuck up was like pure heroin. The bullying of Adam on cumtown is 85% of what made that podcast great. "I'm pointing a gun through my screen at your face": I just came

  2. Eva Rinaldi
    Eva Rinaldi says:

    I can't imagine Felix having a real job. Like… I can imagine Matt having a job where he doesn't talk to anyone except when he "reminds" people they hit reply all, I can't imagine Felix doing a job. I can't even imagine Felix getting paid to stream games.

  3. OrangeStrayCat
    OrangeStrayCat says:

    Felix thinks Chinese and Japanese Buddhists believe no one has a soul unless they create one? Felix, no! Even reading a Wikipedia article on Buddhism should tell you that's wrong! They just have a different conception of what the soul is like than western religions, but everyone still has one. What's reincarnating if they didn't? It's like he confused the Shinto idea of objects being able to gain souls with people in Buddhism.

  4. r b
    r b says:

    "we have to be able to make a project out of our souls and we currently are not allowed to do that it is literally priced out of the marketplace."
    Well, technically you could, but you'd probably have to die immediately after creating a soul.

  5. Michael Reich
    Michael Reich says:

    I have to say, in the post Testors Glue Era, this is one of the most disturbing conversations among Yankee Males I've ever heard. And yet, compelling, knowing that none of you fucks knows how to "Open Tune" a goddamn guitar. So many things here. That is my basis of understanding the conversation that immediately launched into Penis Mutilation, and then quickly into baseball iconography that sadly lacked Carl Yastrzemski and Ernie Banks. We're not done. Dairy in Wisconsin, is much like Brazilians being in the World Cup, it's practically law. Oh, and let us be clear, coffee in the Midwest is hot water with a brown crayon dipped in. Adam clearly misses you heathens. He explained spontaneous "rude" to us. You should send him flowers. Lots of flowers.
    Whew!! Should there be a Part II? Don' t throw shit at me….speak.

  6. teddy
    teddy says:

    this ep gave me strong 2017 vibes i actually had to double check the date to make sure i hadnt clicked on an old video lmao. they havent sounded this boysclub-y in a hot minute lol


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