Caldo de Pollo | How to make Authentic Mexican Chicken Soup

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Hello & welcome to the Views Kitchen! On today’s recipe, we’ll be showing you how to make Caldo de Pollo de rancho/ Country chicken soup. We start by …

49 replies
  1. Rxy
    Rxy says:

    I LOVED CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL BOOKS! They were kinda dark-yes. Also i love the zero waste (no papa podrida) haha. Thank you for this recipe. Just like my moms!

  2. Stefanie Thibodeaux
    Stefanie Thibodeaux says:

    The best soup ever with healing properties. My gal pal has Coronavirus right now and I made her this with the vegetable beef soup and placed it on her front porch.
    She was feeling much better the day after. This soup has great healing properties and great nutritional value.

  3. Tina McClenahan
    Tina McClenahan says:

    Hi There! I am brand new here and I made youre Caldo De Pollo today, my Husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! I cannot wait to mk it for my kids and also many more of youre recipes!!! Thank you so so much!!!!!

  4. Yvonne Cortinas
    Yvonne Cortinas says:

    I cheated and bought a rotisserie chicken already cooked and just deboned it added black beans corn cabbage salary potatoes carrots yellow zucchini squash topped it off with some corn tortilla chips melted Blended cheese and avocado yummy yummy yummy in my tummy

  5. J M
    J M says:

    So I found out that scum that floats to the top or seeps out of the meat when cooking, isn't bad for you. It's just proteins that are being forced out of the meat. You can technically eat it but it just looks gross. Only mentioning cause my mom always skims it off of the ground beef when she cooks and I'm always like, "Mom! who cares! It's fine!" haha xD

  6. S A
    S A says:

    Girl, I made the soup! It came out delicious! Except I added 1 32 oz chicken broth the rest water with 4 chicken breast fillets diced and 4 drumsticks then deboned before adding veggies and spices. I accidentally chopped onion in big pieces and I didn't get the garlic part so I peeled 5 garlic cloves through them in. Oh I used green bell pepper. We just ate it with corn tortillas. Impressive! Thank you so much! Now I know how to make chicken soup.


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