CAFE DE OLLA: Delicious, Traditional Recipe for Mexican Café de Olla served Hot or Iced

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Café de Olla is a delicious Mexican coffee that is traditionally made in an olla de barro, which is an earthen clay pot. But even if …

16 replies
  1. Dennis Quintana
    Dennis Quintana says:

    Sometimes I wish I drank coffee when I see cool recipes like this! But alias… I just can't stomach it! Funny I like coffee flavored things but not the coffee itself, no matter how I doctor it up, no can do!! I loved your little Olla and the video was shot beautiful as always! Great job!

  2. Sally Quevedo
    Sally Quevedo says:

    Just the smell of this cafe will entice your taste buds. It is super-delicious; especially on a cold winter night! I will definitely be making this. By the way, love your blouse and clay pots – so perfect for this recipe.

  3. Tom Cramer
    Tom Cramer says:

    What is piloncillo? I have never heard of it living in Colorado. But likewise maybe I should ckeck out one of our fine little Mexican groceries and that would answer my question! Thank you!

  4. Marcia Valdez
    Marcia Valdez says:

    What a beautiful presentation. I always thought cafe' del Hoya was way more complicated. I need to make some. Nice to see your husband. Maybe he can cook with you in the future. I can smell the coffee from here.

  5. L. Spencer
    L. Spencer says:

    I haven't had this type of coffee much, but the few times I did it's amazing! I wonder if it will ever become popular, like a fad, among the US. When we lived in Mexico we mostly drank powdered Nescafe. I'm not a big coffee drinker because it makes me jittery, but i love the smell. We did have a coffee maker, so sometimes we'd get local coffee grounds, but I didn't like it much. Back here in San Diego, we mostly just made coffee in the coffee pot/maker, but lately my husband has been getting fancy. He got a different pot, I think an Italian press? and a bean grinder, and wow, it sure is a difference! He loves cafe de olla, so I'll have to show him this and hopefully he'll make it!

  6. Josie Luna
    Josie Luna says:

    My Grammita was born in Puerto De Luna, NM. She met my grandfather when she was very young they married and moved to the East Coast due to him working on the railroad, then eventually settled in California. I grew up with my Grammita and my Mom always had an "Olla" on the stove I remember cooking our beans in it.😋


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