Café Cubano (Cuban Coffee) | Cafecito Cuban Style Coffee | Moka Pot Coffee Routine

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I wanted to show you guys how I make Cuban coffee. Enjoying a cafecito with a guava and cheese pastelitos from a Cuban …

32 replies
  1. Scholastic Vibrations
    Scholastic Vibrations says:

    I just intuitively thought boiling water in a kettle before adding it to the moka pot would just help it brew faster, which I'd been doing all along, way before I ever saw this video. But, I never knew it helped make the coffee taste better. I didn't know about taking the first drops, and adding it to a cup to mix with sugar for stronger flavor. Thanks for posting. I look forward to trying those additional steps.

    If you ever come across raw milk, it's especially good for this because it's more creamy, and has almost a slight natural vanilla ice cream note to it.

  2. JCGaming
    JCGaming says:

    Exactly how my mom makes her coffee. lol She will put sugar in a measuring cup, then pour a bit of the coffee in it to mix, then pour the rest afterwards. Only difference is she will have them in tea cups.

  3. hmcky
    hmcky says:

    Can someone explain to me what is the point of preparing that "sugar mixture" if in the end, it lands in the coffee and basically has to dissolve. Wouldn't it be simpler just to make a moka espresso and then add 2 table spoons of sugar? lol.

  4. GOapeshit14
    GOapeshit14 says:

    1. Definitely tamp the coffee. Not as hard as you’d do with an espresso machine but a light press with your fingers will build a bit of pressure
    2. Use lower heat for the brew. If your stove has temperatures somewhere between 120°c-140°c
    3. Use a bit more coffee for the whisking and whisk a bit longer. It should resemble light whipped cream
    4. Cuban coffee is usually always a dark roast
    Hope this helps 😉

  5. G R
    G R says:

    Yeah, as a cuban born and raised and was taught to make our coffee since a young age. This is NOT cuban coffee at all and more likely just an espresso, and it's NOT the same. No disrespect, just I felt compelled to clarify since people are going to watch and get the wrong idea. You need to use cafe la llave, bustelo, or any dark espresso grounds, and for the foam, there are critical steps that need to be taken, it needs to create a thick cream foam when pouring the first few drops of coffee so its concentrated, of you miss this step then throw it out and try again, not kidding. Otherwise, it is not a colada or "cuban coffee"

  6. Marc Kemp
    Marc Kemp says:

    Love cuban coffee. Has the right amount of boldness for me. Believe it or not I'd take it black. Mom has an appointment. This city I'm in…it might be ok NOT to use your signal in Arkansas but in rain and traffic in a city of 150,000 plus it would be so nice if people used common courtesy and had a clue how to drive. Anyway Mom pointed out a coffee shop. When I looked up their menu and noticed they serve green pond scum drinks and had a couple kinds of food and they had pictures of espresso based drinks but… anyway I knew it wouldn't be my crowd. I pretty much go to one of three coffee shops in that city.

  7. IHWKR
    IHWKR says:

    There's no point in using extreme precision to make the coffee if you're just going to dump a load of sugar into the coffee anyway. Pretentious? Yes. Snobbish? You bet. Unnecessary? 100%.

  8. Millermacs
    Millermacs says:

    I recommend putting a small amount of olive (or any) oil on the threads of the pot, that squeaking makes me cringe and it also makes it easier to take on and off.

  9. Gio
    Gio says:

    Cubans did NOT invent that style of coffee.
    They are the Mayameros Cubans who appropriated that denomination.
    Starting the 'greca' coffee maker invented by an Italian.
    It was the Italians who developed and implemented this style of drinking coffee.
    Coffee is native to Ethiopia and Arabia.
    To Caesar what is Caesar's.
    locate yourself.

  10. Gio
    Gio says:

    Los cubanos NO inventaron ese estilo de café.
    Son los cubanos mayameros que se apropiaron de esa denominación.
    Empezando la cafetera ‘greca’ inventada por un italiano.
    Fueron los italianos que desarrollaron e implementaron ese estilo de tomar el café.
    El café es originario de Etiopía y Arabia.
    Al Cesar lo que es del César.

  11. Eli
    Eli says:

    As a Cuban to me nothing smells like home like the sent of café cubano and toasting pan cubano. I love my culture it’s so rich.And passionate.
    Wait till you see how beautiful our island is.💯🥂🍾

  12. Guru Meditation
    Guru Meditation says:

    What't the purpose of the sugar exercise? I fail to understand what the purpose of this brewing method (if you can even call it that) is. Maybe I need to study it a bit more…

  13. Fani  Loui
    Fani Loui says:

    This way of brewing reminded me of ours Ness-cafe we make in Greece. The Greek We hit him with the hot water so much that it turned white and then it created a very thick cream on the surface of the cup. Thank you very much.


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