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Welcome back friends! Today we share another day in the life with us! We learn some new news about the house…and it isn’t great! WE end up having an …

49 replies
  1. Jane Bush
    Jane Bush says:

    I saw your story about Wilder. Our little granddaughter starting having episodes like Wilder had. She was about his age when she started and our doctor said some children that are born early do that if the cry or get upset. He told us to grab her and turn her sideways is our arms, facing away from us,that helps blood flow. If there is cool air outside for us to take her outside for cool air or turn a fan on where she could get a lot of air. She would come right out of it! Hope this helps you guys. Our dr. was a creditable one from Barnes-Jewish Nick U in St. Louis.

  2. Dana LeHew
    Dana LeHew says:

    I feel your pain with closing. Both homes we bought had ridiculous delays. The last time we only had about three days to get out of our rental. I am hoping for a speedy resolve for you.

  3. Ladiebug Lane
    Ladiebug Lane says:

    ugh I'm mad at the soon to be previous owners and it's not even my house!! Hopefully they get it together asap and all goes thru. I cant wait to see new cooking vlogs in your new kitchen!!
    Congrats Ash!!!

  4. Sandra Dunaway
    Sandra Dunaway says:

    When you get a chance can you please let me know the temperature at amount of time you cooked those chicken strips? Everleigh was so adorable at the end of video. Ashlynn congratulations on braces removal, how long do you have to wear the retainer?

  5. S G
    S G says:

    I get joy each and everyday watching your and your family ! Your are a tough momma pull off all you do in a days time ! Plus all those delicious meals you make and all that homemade bread with meals … all looks so delicious

  6. Patricia Hagedorn
    Patricia Hagedorn says:

    Congratulations to Ashl! Things have changed since my days of braces. Years ago we could not get braces until we had lost all of our baby teeth and our permanent teeth had come in. Needless to say, I was a late losing my teeth and I was in Jr. High before I could get my braces. So what happens if Ash's front permanent teeth come in crooked? Does she have to get braces again?

  7. Shawn and Lisa Mason
    Shawn and Lisa Mason says:

    Congratulations Ashlynn on getting your braces off. Tiffany what does that mean for you all since seller hold up her end of the bargain. My family loves pasta salad I'll try yours next time I usually put olives and artichokes in mine. How did the chicken turn out was it good. Everleigh is to cute. Time for bed. Hope you all have a great weekend

  8. Kristin Smith
    Kristin Smith says:

    Mercury retrograde delays travel and communication. Darn mercury retrograde πŸ€¦πŸ˜” but i can't wait to see your new house! This is so exciting! Im looking for a house now so you are motivation! Im on a super tight budget as well but i know it will be worth it!

  9. Amber F
    Amber F says:

    Yay Ashlynn…Your teeth and smile are so beautiful πŸ’—
    I'm sorry y your closing was delayed😭
    Your dinner looks and sounds delicious.πŸ’—
    Awesome video πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  10. L. J.
    L. J. says:

    Ashlynn's teeth look beautiful! Brings back memories when our daughter Jenn had braces and then had to wear retainers at night for a few years. Sorry for the delay on the closing of the house…am praying the seller will do their part quickly and that the delay will only be a short one.

  11. WW Nonnie
    WW Nonnie says:

    Yay Ashlyn's braces off. Your dinner looks so delicious. I'm going to try the chicken strips like that. I usually fry mine. This looks sooo much healthier and easy. The house will all come together. Evie speaks so clear for her age! Adorable;)

  12. Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee says:

    Good morning beautiful lady! <3 Awww… sorry about the closing being delayed again…. πŸ™ Oh, well. It's all in the plan…. Supper looks awesome!! SO true about all those dishes and seeing them means you are all eating. Love your positive outlook on that! Oh sweetie, don't worry about answering all the comments. Glad you at least get to read them. I don't know HOW you keep up as it is with all you have to do. You are an amazing mom and wife. YAY for Ashlynn getting braces off. How exciting! Everleigh telling us we all have to go to bed is TOO funny! Wishing you a terrific day! LOVE you all. XOX


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