Bulgarian Mish Mash – The most perfect dinner for one

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Bulgarian Mish Mash – The most perfect dinner for one Hey thanks for swinging by! This classic Bulgarian dish is so simple and …

12 replies
  1. zoot allures
    zoot allures says:

    Try it with no eggs or cheese.
    Same ingredients but more bell peppers. Red and yellow because the green ones will give it a "grassy" taste. It's going to taste sweeet. Maybe stir in a handful of cooked rice at the end to thicken it.
    If made outside in a cauldron, it will get an amazing smoky taste

  2. Julia D
    Julia D says:

    I'm really happy I found your channel! I feel like it's really special when you find a cooking channel with the same flavor inclinations as you. You're kind of like the more low key Alison Roman. As someone who loves dairy and looooves veggies hehe. Your recipes are always so approachable and I've made quite a few of them. I'll definitely be trying this one. I make that bleu cheese lemon pasta with toasted nuts a lot thanks to you!


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