Budget Prepping at Walmart! Prepper Pantry Stockpile and Gear to buy this week – SHTF 2023

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preppingonabudget #prepperpantry #shtf Budget Prepping at Walmart: Prepper Pantry Stockpile and Gear to buy this week while …

20 replies
  1. PaEMT/FF9
    PaEMT/FF9 says:

    I’ve been watching the clearance, outdoors, sporting goods, seasonal clothing for several years to buy when on extensive sales/clearance. Anything from Turkey calls, reading glasses, knives, warm hunting clothes, spices for grilling, grilling supplies, etc. All items 50-75% off.

  2. 4 The Future
    4 The Future says:

    I spent 18 months without any electricity 🔌. I have watched many videos of folks talking about what is needed in a power outage and most of what they say is inaccurate or unrealistic. Yours is the best video on this topic that I have seen bar none! I had to learn most of what you are sharing the hard way, many cold nights , no way to cook food, etc. I learned what was needed along the way and I can say that if people listen to you they will be in a far better position to survive. Having a way to heat water to wash your body and clothes, to cook a hot meal, and to stay warm is everything. Thank you so much for this very informative video.

  3. Muddybuttrun
    Muddybuttrun says:

    This was very worthwhile video as yours always are. I go to Walmart often but half the stuff you found in the Sporting section I never thought of. Also the shelves in your store were much fuller than ours. I do go often enough to get some one time and others the next. I have learned so much from this channel. Thanks for sharing!!🛒

  4. Debbie B
    Debbie B says:

    We just bought a little coleman stove like you have and had to visit 4 different WM to get 11 cans of butane. but we now feel prepared . I would just like to add that getting Himalayan, Celtic or Real salt is the better way to go than iodized salt, it is better for you.

  5. Dannie McDonald
    Dannie McDonald says:

    Great video! I have almost all of them. Besides the Coleman stove, I also bought a small charcoal grill and over the past year (when it was much cheaper), I stocked up on charcoal. I did realize a few weeks ago that I didn't get lighter fluid! It's on my list!
    A portable toilet is also something I need to look in to. I do have a urinal (yes, they make them for women), and it always botheted me that in 45 years as a nurse, I never saw one in the hospital for female patients. We ( yes, I have been a patient, too) always had to deal with a bedpan, which migjt not be a bad thing in case someone is incapacitated.
    OK, enough "potty talk" 😊.
    You brought up some good points. Thank you for sharing your tips.🛒

  6. J. Sears
    J. Sears says:

    You probably know, but the vinegar is not the acidity it should be at Walmart. You have to use 5% to make it long term safe. The GV brand is 4, so beware.
    Also, the bleach. You shouldn't use low splash bleach for disinfecting water. Just the plain bleach with nothing added to it.
    Like you said, a pinch of pool shock per gallon of water is good.
    If you want to cross reference anything, I've discovered Rose Red. She's a college professor in organic chemistry….a tad bit on the 'very specific' side for detail, but if you're patient and like to listen to detail, she's your girl.

  7. Kris Henderson
    Kris Henderson says:

    I have created a personal hygiene bucket – plus my rotating stock in my hall closet. But for shampoo – I get the shampoo bars – less waste, takes up less space and they are really good for the hair. Great video Jara!!

  8. Kris Henderson
    Kris Henderson says:

    I agree with the oil bit – I priced out olive oil at a warehouse this weekend………holy cow – Walmart Great Value brand is a lot cheaper and it's good oil!! The fans work awesome – we have them in our trailer when we don't have electric hook up.

  9. Darla Owens
    Darla Owens says:

    First time posting here. Recently found your channel and I LOVE it. Thank you for all your do. This is a wonderful video. I have to hit replay and take notes. I have learned so much by watching you. What a wealth of information. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe ! I live in Alabama. I gave up my dream home to bring my horses home instead of boarding in a show barn. I love having them home with us. We live on a farm now with 18 1/2 acres. I want to start a garden. I just bought some canning items from Walmart and I am watching many videos on Youtube to learn how to can. One of my biggest concerns is storing enough water for the horses and dogs. THANK YOU AGAIN ~


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