Budget Friendly Fall Inspired DESSERTS | Easy, Quick, & Tasty

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Hey y’all! Happy Fall and Happy Dessert Day…. I made that up .. lol! Love y’all! Love, Brooke Facebook Group Link: …

24 replies
  1. Mostly Missy
    Mostly Missy says:

    Yum! I love your personality and recipes so much, I watch the ads. If that ain't a genuine YouTube compliment, I dont know what is lol.
    You give me inspiration for my own channel. 😁

  2. Robin Ridgway
    Robin Ridgway says:

    I love your channel !! You are my all time favorite I tuber . You got me to start a just in case pantry. Your boys are so sweet and handsome and I like the way your husband looks and speaks about you ! I watched the question and answer . Keep it up the sky’s the limit !! Keep it up.

  3. Car Free KC
    Car Free KC says:

    My close grocery store is pretty spendy but they have a rewards program and guess what they have this quarter… BUTTER. FOR FREEEEE! And only 250 points.. I have oooh 3500 points to spend. Needless to say, i'm filling my freezer with butter (and ground turkey and ground chicken) for freeeee! I'll take all the $6.99 Land o' Lakes butter for free that I can get! hah


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