British try Malaysian BREAKFAST – It’s MIND BLOWING | Nasi Lemak Wanjo

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Foreigner love Malaysian food and this time around after many years due to the pandemic I made a dramatic entrance to one of …

40 replies
  1. master sonic
    master sonic says:

    Hi broo … thanks a lot for once again choosing our beloved country as your travel destination, for kind words about us, and also for free promotion for our country … we really really appreciate it.

    Enjoy your time here … and sorry for any difficulties/inconveniences you may encounter throughout your stay in Malaysia.

  2. | Kilswitch |
    | Kilswitch | says:

    yo bro…the drink that you got at wanjo was not the actual teh tarik…its called teh panas = hot tea…its similar to teh tarik except that its not being "pulled" yet so that's was why you felt the bitter taste of tea as the condensed milk was still at the bottom of the cup…you supposed to stir well the drink first so that the tea concentrate will mix well with the condensed milk thus creating the great teh tarik that you've tasted before

  3. Latape Kassim
    Latape Kassim says:

    What you have for drink was not teh is teh 'o' panas – hot tea without condense need to stir to melt the sugar..otherwise you will get bitter tea.

  4. hplagt 68
    hplagt 68 says:

    Welcome back to Malaysia mate. FYI the public transport is free for 1 month from 16/6. You're not the only British in love with nasi lemak. Remote Darren a British youtuber is soo in love with it too.
    Mate, the condensed milk is at the bottom of the glass. You should have given it a stir.

  5. TeleeFONE
    TeleeFONE says:

    Maybe once you reach back in London, you could do videos of your life, daily life, job, leisure and things you do back home, to give your followers the insight of your life back home.


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