Breast Cancer Q&A + A Special Guest | Chef AJ LIVE! with Dr. John & Mary McDougall

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5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss:

29 replies
  1. Vegan Lovebirds
    Vegan Lovebirds says:

    We always enjoy these informative talks. We have a whole new found respect for the McDougall family after watching this video. They along with Chef AJ make our world a better place for sure. Happy Holidays everyone! 💚❤💚❤💚❤💚

  2. Moreen Murray
    Moreen Murray says:

    The world needs more Dr. McDougall and Chef AJ. I always had this feeling that mammograms were painful and useless and when you get a false positive – increases your stress level as happened to me! My sister and mom both had breast cancer – and had chemo and radiation respectively…however they didn't follow a plant based diet. I wonder sometimes as the good doctor says whether the interventions actually hurt more than they helped.

  3. Georganne Collett
    Georganne Collett says:

    I'm with you Chef AJ…Dr McDougall is my absolute hero but I'm always surprised he says no weight gain with excess bread..pasta…and I would even add potatoes. but much more the case with the first too…I'm a recovered compulsive eater…and as you'll appreciate we know alot about what puts Wright 9n & takes it off….man if I go to town on bread…for a few nights…OF COURSE I'll have some slight weight gain?….of course it's not a concern… fact I don't eat bread bc of that….it's just "too nice "…..but it's strange to me he says that…..?

  4. Ms.Irises
    Ms.Irises says:

    The gentleman is correct. Dr Mcdougal is why lots of people like myself have become starch based and feel very young. I am 67 and feel like 47! No major diseases and no aches or pains in my joints. I also got my sister in law involved and she loves the food. Thank you again Dr M, Mary and AJ.

  5. Sherry Kirkpatrick
    Sherry Kirkpatrick says:

    Dr. McDougal has done fantastic work for much of this life and has amassed many new (and old) followers and devotees. I have learned much about the whole food plant based world and he clearly still has a lot of passion for his work. In this interview however – I sensed his frustration with not getting the word out (or sometimes compliance) got the best of him and he resorted to a few unfriendly jabs and condescension toward those who questioned him – especially on the topics of female hormones, moderate use of alcohol and hydroxicloroquine as a possible medication (for Covid I assume) (as prescribed by a viewer's doctor). He claimed ANY use of alcohol completely undermines attempts at good health and especially any amount prescribed by a doctor. He deemed that a professional SIN. I think a lot of of country doctors performing surgery and dental work in the Wild West might have quite a different opinion. 🙂 I wish the good Doctor McDougall nothing but happy health and a prosperous 2022. I look forward to hearing more from him and want to thank Chef AJ for her intriguing variety of guests and for helping all of us learn more about differing points of view in the plant based world.

  6. Anna Rehwinkel
    Anna Rehwinkel says:

    I'm a psychiatrist in Germany and I have to say, that there's rarely a webinar in the medical field that could compare to your videos and interviews, AJ. Thank you so much for all your effort! And thanks of course to the McDougalls!! We love you!😉💖👍🏻🤓👍🏻

  7. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    How do we put in words our appreciation for Dr. John McDougall. The testimonial by John Di Tursio was very moving. I so appreciated his appreciation of the fabulous Doc! It's hard to put into words sometimes the depth of appreciation we can have toward those who have saved us, and in the case of this virtual time period, this message may never be able to be delivered. Chef AJ you offered Mr. Di Tursio this platform in which to express this appreciation. I appreciate you. Namaste.

  8. Peter R.
    Peter R. says:

    Jessie Bunker-Maxwell, my cat loves peanut butter, too! Every time I eat it (which is never, now) she'd come up and ask me to lick the spoon, and she'd just get this cute cross-eyed expression, as she was focusing on the spoon and going "NOM NOM NOM!" (So cute, I can't even!) Then she'd spend the next 20 minutes chewing the air. 😂

  9. Peter R.
    Peter R. says:

    I do a gigantic shopping order every year.

    For a family of three – what I buy online every year during the inevitable Holiday Season sales:

    (all the grains are organic, most of the legumes are desiccant free and I try to get organic)

    Lentils – at least 100 pounds total, 4 different colors – black, brown, green, and red

    Peas, dry, variety (black eye, green split, field, 1 to 10 pound bags, about 100 pounds total)

    Chickpeas – 75 pounds

    A wide assortment of the other broad beans (kidney, black, great northern, lima, et cetera) 25 pound bags each, about 200 pounds total

    Lundberg Brown Rice – 100 pounds

    White Thai rice – 100 pounds

    Hard Red Wheat – 50 pounds

    Oat groats – 100 pounds

    Whole Dent Corn – 100 pounds

    Quinoa, tricolor – 25 pounds

    Soft white wheat – 25 pounds

    Assortment of mix and match grains – 5 to 20 pound bags – popcorn, amaranth, teff, millet, et cetera…whole wheat pastas (not organic) 50 pounds of type 80 wheat flour for the fam.

    That's for 3 people, BTW. It might take more than a year to eat that, though. All in all, about 1500 pounds. I figure by buying the giant 25 pound bulk bags, we save damned near $3,000 a year just on grains! Organic grains and legumes by the one-pound bag are EXPENSIVE!!!! As my fellow Cajuns might say, "I ain't payin' dat! Ten dollaz for a poun-a beans!?! You crazy, baw?"

    I just need to add some fresh and frozen veggies and fruit, purchased from online grocery delivery, or…ugh….as Eeyore would say, "from a storrrrre…."


    Brown Flax – 20 pounds

    Chia – 10 pounds

    Sesame seeds – 10 pounds

    Walnuts – 10 pounds

    Broccoli seeds – 10 pounds

    Other raw nuts – 10 pounds total

    Spices – a full variety of whole spices and dried herbs, bought in 1 pound bulk to save money.

    Dried fruit – a lot, everything 🤣

    A big bag of white sugar – 25 pounds

    Vinegars, citrus juices, soy/teriyaki sauces, etcetera.

    In total, this fills up an entire pantry room, (a 6'x8' air conditioned hall closet, which stays at about 62ºF during the heat of summer, the cool keeps the bugs away and the stock fresh) stored in food safe airtight bins, or in my chest freezer. I like to keep the big sacks intact, to line the dogfood bins I store them in.

    Besides the money I save, I also save about 50 trips to the grocery store! So, it seems like a mammoth undertaking which takes about a week, but once it's done, we are SET!

    And last year when the p'demic hit, we were able to just stay at home, because we had everything we needed.

    I might have missed a few things (canned foods I also have, the unsalted stuff, we love it, too! But that can be easily bought online anytime) but you get the point – I buy en masse! The savings of money and time ($4,000 and 100 hours) are absolutely worth the trouble, and I recommend you try shopping in big bulk;)

  10. courag1
    courag1 says:

    I agree, Dr. McDougal and Mary, just love them, add Chef AJ in that too! WFPB diet has saved my life too. I am the only one in my generation of my family who is still alive and I am basically healthy eating what Dr. McDougal taught. Sister and Mother died of breast cancer, father and grandmother of Alzheimer’s, all having diabetes, high blood pressure and the women with brittle bone. I am 68 and drug-free. My husband was stubborn, had to have his cancer before I got him on the diet, he had prostate cancer, stage 4, had the surgery. Awful surgery for him. But he did not want cancer back so he went plant-based and the cancer had not come back. But 3 others where he worked about the same age also got prostate cancer, ate the Standard American Diet, also went with chemo and radiation. All of them dead within 2 years.

    My husband still has a bit of high blood pressure, but it was sky high before and now is controlled. He likes to eat junk stuff, and I feel like I am pulling teeth as I’m the one who has studied this and he hasn’t. But he is getting much more a believer when he sees his friends are now dead and he is alive and well.

    I’ve wept a lot that I was not good enough at explaining things before he got the cancer, but he told me, even then it made sense, he just refused to even taste the food I was cooking. That was hard for him to say, but it was the truth. The Standard American Diet as a whole, not just Dairy, is addictive.

    Thank you so much for telling the world the truth. I just hope the world will listen and not wait this they are recovering from cancer. My husband is incontinent now, but he is alive.

  11. straightedgeveganbel
    straightedgeveganbel says:

    I hope he does one on osteoporosis and plz talk about when ppl go into menopause in their 30s from hysterectomy….are we just supposed to turn into old ppl 30 years early? I mean I already have osteoporosis and I do take estrogen but they didn't give me enough the first 10 years so now it's been doubled, can I reverse osteoporosis?(without Fosamax)

  12. evan louis
    evan louis says:

    Hello Chef AJ…I'm sorry, but this is a question I'm hoping you will ask Dr. Lisle in the future. I'm writing it here in hopes that you will see it since this is a new video. It's about emotional eating. I have this problem where I can't wait to leave a dinner party so that I can pick up a high calorie snack on my drive back home. Even though I had just finished a full meal along with a high calorie dessert. Something inside me demands that I entertain myself with food for the drive home, even if it is only a few minutes. Even though I am not hungry. I know I am not alone in this. How can this not be connected to some type of emotional situation? I realize the part about it being fatty and/or sweet, but why would I want to do this in the first place? Thank you. You are wonderful!


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