Breakfast Fry Up | Over The Fire Cooking by Derek Wolf

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Breakfast Fry Up is a must! While I have to admit this is not a Full Breakfast Fry Up, it is as close as I can get here in the …

38 replies
  1. 李文浩
    李文浩 says:

    Hey [Over The Fire Cooking by Derek Wolf],
    I have been following your profile on Youtube and really loved your post(s) on [Breakfast Fry Up | Over The Fire Cooking by Derek Wolf]. My name is wenhao li, and I work for [shenzhenshirefenghuyuyouxiangongsi]. We sell “ Grilling Basket”. Since you are in line with our brand, I thought I would reach out to see if you would be open to testing our product and doing a collaboration together! Let me know if you are interested and I will send more details!

  2. Sadie Dol
    Sadie Dol says:

    Why is it called a breakfast sausage? Do you really never eat it at otyer times? Im a little confused. English isnt my first languge tho so im also wondering if its not so literal

  3. Gina Sanchez
    Gina Sanchez says:

    My school breakfast this morning was a bowl of no name cereal and a stale bran muffin. Then I see this on my YouTube feed during study hall. Thanks, now I can't concentrate the rest of the day😂


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