Brave Congressman HUMILIATÉS Clueless Greta Thunberg to her face in Congress

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Brave Congressman HUMILIATÉS Clueless Greta Thunberg to her face in Congress JOIN THOUSANDS OF PATRIOTIC …

49 replies
  1. Pixie Paperclip Productions
    Pixie Paperclip Productions says:

    I find it rather than him 'humiliating' her, that she answered a loaded question with great wit; particularly so that she is a child and he, a grown man. He then goes on to use the poorest argument I have ever heard. Essentially boiling down to, "Why should we work to change literacy/health/violence et al because there is someone else who is treating theses conditions more pathetically than us?" It is laughable to really believe that is a serious argument to anything else but how to be an uncivilised, not forward-thinking, selfish and self-delusional slob. lol

  2. David Chaplin
    David Chaplin says:

    I think whoever posted and titled this video should feel embarrassed. Basically it shows congress using weak arguments to deflect their own responsibility. Its like arguing that i only murdered 2 people but that guy overe theur murdered 3 so i bare no responsibility for the lives i took and therefore should get off scot free.

  3. JOJO McLain
    JOJO McLain says:

    These children are so indoctrinated. The storms are Not getting worse little sheep. Manmade climate change is a delusional leftist construct whose purpose is to enslave every man,woman and child on this planet. The iceages came and went with no industry whatsoever. Greenhouses have to buy CANNED CO2 TO make their plants grow bc we are in a CO2 drought at 0.039% ,a drought starts at 0.04.

  4. Art by Laura
    Art by Laura says:

    Unfortunately most of the world’s pollution comes from 3rd world countries. However, I think where the next meal is coming from will be more on their minds than pollution. So it is up to the rest of the world to do their part.

  5. Victor Luna
    Victor Luna says:

    415 ppm and plus 1 degree and we are still here. The climate is going to do what it does….change. We are only here for the ride. Enjoy yourself, life is too short to go back to living in a cave.

  6. CrazyGopher
    CrazyGopher says:

    No, she needs to be humiliated. Shes done nothing but cause problems and convince every country that without ANY credible education, she should be heard. Climate change is total BS, theres no facts to back up anything she says. So yes, she needs to be scorned for misinformation

  7. Ejb954
    Ejb954 says:

    Climate is just part of the big picture. America will be drastically weaked and not able to complete with China ,India and any other countries that do not follow these regulations

  8. Duno Trustistrue
    Duno Trustistrue says:

    How is this lost child in front of Congress? The climate crisis is an assanine joke. How can you look your kid in the and stand up for any of the liberal left nonsense. Stupidity. And then AOC speaks. Pure Satanic leadership.
    Let's go, Brandon.

  9. mike the bulldog
    mike the bulldog says:

    The creator of the weather channel John Coleman said climate change is
    The weather patterns change day to day year to year decade to decade.
    However everyone pushing climate change or global warming iss clamming every storm or change in weather on C02..
    John Colman was inveighed to the south pole by weather specialists who can tell what world temperatures were thousands and millions of years ago .
    He saw icee from 50 thousand years ago . The scientists showed Coleman the weather was 2 degrees celsius hotter than today
    That's what the climate change fanatics say is what's going to destroy our planet if we get that hot.
    Also they said as they looked at C02 levels it wasn't anything to do with the temperature to rise .
    C02 levels didn't rise for another 800 years after the higher temperatures .
    Climate change is about money . Biden says every time a storm hits Florida is because of Climate change .
    Florida has the most shipwrecks in their water around the world .
    Dating back hundreds of years if not thousands .
    C02 created by man because of the cars and the industrial revolution
    is about 200 years so it's not man made carbon dioxide .
    It's man made hysteria witch means (exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.) And it makes people live in fear so government
    can protect them .
    Democrats always use fear and racism to control Americans.
    Trump just lowered taxes and made America fuel independant and gas prices dropped to the lowest in decades .
    Biden (democrat) stopped the largest pipeline Americans had to keep America running without needing someone else to supply us.
    Biden created the highest gas prices in American history and has sold all
    of the reserves Trump built.
    Trump built Americans gas reserves at $ 55 per barrel while Biden sold the reserves back to Americans for $120 per barrel .
    Also without reserves being full in case of emergencies America is weak
    and vulnerable to China and Russia .
    These young teens like Greta Thunberg get information from dr or scientist Google . The idea of that should terrify everyone .
    Because googie only stops misinformation when democrats say it is.
    Because google is 100% democrats and 100 % against Trump . That's not
    scientific it's brainwashing.
    Greta Thunberg is another brainwashed teenager who didn't even go to school because she heard about climate change .

  10. Kim Waldron
    Kim Waldron says:

    His deflection of "environmental responsibility" toward China doesn't work. Who is the biggest consumer of Chinese manufactured goods? The US. The reason is that they're cheap and the reason for that is that they may ignore or bypass rules that don't sacrifice the environment. But then Graves supports increased production of fossil fuels so he was the energy industry's hitman in this situation. I don't respect him, he's another bought politician., as they all are. So why do we say that it's nice that he treated her as an equal? What has he sacrificed? He's a zero.

  11. DLegend
    DLegend says:

    None of them have an argument tbh. Both are right 😄. The issue is China. We can decrease while they increase keeps the same issue. We do it anyway and the same thing happens, we just do all the work that makes them just be able to fuck shit up for longer.

  12. P
    P says:

    I'm starting to think the universe and nature got bang into thr crack epidemic in the 80's … And why they seem to have made so many mistskes with whats been born since … Ffs natire / universe go through your detox and start producjng real male / female and normal himan beings again rather than hatch these what ever theyre aliens !

  13. K King
    K King says:

    It's the Sun~! All of the Planets are changing. Not just the Earth. It's a Cycle that the Sun goes thru every 6,000 years. When the Volcano's start going off, we will have another Year with out a summer and food will be scares. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF~!

  14. Bob Vadney
    Bob Vadney says:

    Yeah like that cowardly traitorous…Pence said to…Tucker Carlson…." THATS…..NOT…..MY……CONCERN….." That….STUPID Statement lone should show ya just how great America….is no thx to these…..BACK……STABBING…..SLOBS….. Had he said that in Russia…..China…..No Korea…..or Cuba….as a public official…..THEY…..WOULDA SHOT….THE….SLOB….or he woulda….JUST……SUDDENLY…..DISAPPEARED…..NEVER….TO….BE….HEARD….FROM….AGAIN…..& if that doesn't show ya just how great America…….NOTHING…..EVER…..WILL… the way ever notice where these politico ….SLOBS….live….Ha ha ha…IN…AMERICA…..They love…..SOCIALISM….But wouldn't dare go & live in these countries where they can get all the…..SOCIALISM….they…want….Hmmmmmmmm …Why…is….that….????

  15. MR JuiceB0xxx2
    MR JuiceB0xxx2 says:


  16. Michael Clayton
    Michael Clayton says:

    This clip is ridiculous! It has been edited to show what one person or persons want seen to produce "CONTENT"! The latter part of the clip is ludicrous! I was told in the 80's that sea levels would rise by one meter world wide by 19 90 something (no I can't remember the exact year, it's a lot of years ago). Temperatures were going to be 2 degrees c higher on average by 2000. I have said it before and I will say it again. There used NOT be polar ice caps, Greenland was called that because it was GREEN. There used to be some pretty handy wheat crops grown there apparently. There was a planet with these animals called "Dinosaurs", roaming about.
    The climate changes "NATURALLY", 4 times a year! To say we are in a climate crisis or catastrophe is not founded when scientists with actual proof are being silenced.

  17. aDejureKing Asterisk
    aDejureKing Asterisk says:

    Deluded people, the only problem we have is the poisons you spray in our skies and put in the masses bodies to detach the masses from God! The globe will never melt as it is a closed system . Keep your ideals and agendas to yourself. How did I did indigenous people like our aboriginal people in australia care take the place for 60000 years and we have supposedly ruined it in 230 years? It doesn’t add up, cost of living due to pressed and applied inflation is our only warning in our lives, the ones looking out for us are hopeless employees of the people and governments should be sakes when our interests are put last every time!

  18. Steve Dynell
    Steve Dynell says:

    Shifting at least a portion of the blame for the global+still ongoing problem if climate change to another country is, in my humble opinion, irresponsible, or even cowardly. "Not in my backyard." What did Adam say about Eve to God in the Garden of Eden? "The wife whom You gave me gave me the fruit, and I ate." The fact is that the ENTIRE humanity is more or less responsible for the climate change. We must ALL repent of our sins, and ask God for forgiveness. ONLY HE has the ultimate+lasting solutions to the Earth's problems, although we should all do our bit to try to improve the Earth, and to witness about Jesus.


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