Brain Tumor – Post Surgery Update – Everything I know up to this point – The good news & the bad.

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41 replies
  1. Plant Based Dads
    Plant Based Dads says:

    Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated!! I am back with an update on everything that has happened to me since I went under the knife on June 20th. In this video I tell you what happened, what I expected to happen, what was unexpected that happened and what the tumor actually turned out to be. There is a lot of information packed into this 35 mins so be ready for it! Leave a comment below with your thoughts after watching the video. You know I love to interact with all of you. -Joey.

  2. Courtney Jackson
    Courtney Jackson says:

    I’m so glad to see you in such high spirits and on the road to recovery. As a neuro ICU nurse I laughed and cried throughout this video. I’m that nurse yelling at patients to wake up after they’ve had a seizure, meanwhile keeping other patients like you awake. Thank you for all your kind words about the nursing profession. Thank you also for highlighting male nurses…they don’t get enough credit. Some of the best nurses I work with are men! Hospitals and physician education on nutrition have a LONG way to go! I’m excited to follow along with your journey!

  3. Debra Edwards
    Debra Edwards says:

    I am so glad all went well with your surgery. You are too funny. The High Carb Hannah comment had me laughing out loud! I don't usually comment, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your channel and all that you do. Stay well and keep the videos coming! 💞

  4. Tosca
    Tosca says:

    Joey, am catching up and am so happy to hear you are doing so well (I spend a lot of my time caring for my 90 year old mother, so my time is not my own). Your surgery is the kind of thing that's great to have in the rear vision mirror. You mentioned that a lot in the community had had similar problems, but I have to say I've had various life saving surgeries, but no brain surgery (yet). So you're a bit special.
    Continued best wishes for ongoing recovery. I was very impressed you knew Tim's number! I'm lucky to know my own and don't know anyone else's by heart.
    I hope Hannah has called back 😅 ✊🏻

  5. Evelin Stetter
    Evelin Stetter says:

    Congratulations to your recovery. I went through brain surgery 8 months ago. Had a craniopharyngioma on the hypophysis which also affected my eyesight. I learned that the hypophysis regulates a lot of glands a.o. the cortisol level. May be your tumour also was connected to the hypophysis? Wish you good look with your recovery. It will be OK.

    BRENDA LEICK says:

    Joey, I'm so glad that everything went well and you are well. Don't forget to update us when Hannah phones in! You cracked me up. Blessings on you and oh by the way…its been my observation that when a man decides to be a nurse, he's usually super at it! Truly compassionate ans skilled I'm so glad your story bears that out! Well wishes from California, Brenda RN hugs!

  7. Joey Frank
    Joey Frank says:

    Unable to post on the airline video. So I will say it here. I will never fly because of this crapola. If everyone would stay home they could send a message.

  8. suzanne hawkins
    suzanne hawkins says:

    so I also had a pituitary macroadenoma. your story, so far, sounds so familiar. my surgery was a bit different. my tumour had more involvement with the carotid arteries, rather than the optic nerve, like in your case. and it was causing a fun disease called agromegaly. my surgery was a slit under the nose, under the top lip, to pull back the skin on the face to expose the nose. she preferred the direct method, not with a camera cuz it was so close to the arteries. so, basically disassembled the nose to expose the sinus, remove some sinus bones to get to the pituitary. I was in ICU for 48 hours, in the hospital for 5 days. And healed with no problems. except the surgery didnt work and there was enough tumour left to put me into acromegaly. fun times!!!

    catheters are normal when dealing with stuff like this. working on your pituitary can cause a bunch of nasty diseases like diabetes insipidus. they need to monitor all your ins and outs for a few day. the trach tube is also customary for procedures like this, you're put out so much they have to control your breathing. And, i've not finished watching yet, but you probably also had an ART line, a line directly into an artery, probably your wrist, for a day or two. when they mess near your brain, they really are extra careful and want to monitor everything, but you want them to be. and I'm looking forward to when you have to expel the long nose clot, now that's fun!

    the type of reaction your body has to the tumour is very specific to where on the pituitary the tumour sits. mine was located in the area of the pit. which produced human growth hormone, yours in the area that controlled cortisol. glad you recovered so quickly and didnt develop cushings. When I started this road, cushings was mentioned to me as a possibility. not sure if it would have been better than the acromegaly lol.

  9. Ellen Webb
    Ellen Webb says:

    OMG – you had me ROTFLMAO. As a WFBP SOS-free RN, I can so relate. I so very much enjoyed your update – the throat issue, the Foley catheter, not being able to sleep, etc (and I am an ex-OR nurse so know EXACTLY what you are talking about) I’m so glad that you had such a great outcome. And, congrats on the weight loss – those nasty hormones! Yes Joey, we do care. 🙂

  10. Natasha
    Natasha says:

    This was a fascinating video. I'm so thankful that you shared all this info and I'm doubly glad that you're ok, Joey. I love your channel and they're so inspiring. In addition, I live in a tiny town in a rural, Bible Belt part of Australia and my partner and I are the only same-sex parents here. So seeing a great LGBTI couple/family represented so wonderfully on your channel is so heartening for me. Much love, blessings and good vibes to you from me, Joey 😘

  11. Matt Ahrens
    Matt Ahrens says:

    So glad you're doing well, Joey! You're a real trouper! Thanks for the update. So interesting about cortisol's impact on weight. I wonder if that's why coffee impacts some people more than others? Hmm.

  12. Lorie G
    Lorie G says:

    You told this so well! I found myself laughing at times. Having had a couple of hospital visits in my lifetime, I could relate to some of it. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for your channel. I am glad you are healing and feeling better.

  13. lori stiles
    lori stiles says:

    You are a blessing to all of us! Glad prayers were answered for a successful surgery and recovery! Happy for you that your weight loss journey is now finally working! I’m sure that was the best news ever!! Sending you lots of love from Kansas City!!!

  14. nellie
    nellie says:

    Really enjoyed hearing about your surgery and was cracking up at the pains you described, specifically the D word!! I'm like he didn't say that and then you said it again!! Hilarious! Very interesting turn of events with the pathology, so keep us updated in your follow-ups!!

  15. Latesha Churney
    Latesha Churney says:

    Wow. What a hospital story. I think we all have one though. Glad you are doing ok. It’s amazing what everyone’s bodies can do. Glad you went to a great hospital where they took great care of you. And congrats on healing up so fast. That is awesome.

  16. Charlotte Vale
    Charlotte Vale says:

    Who says “toesies?” Great nurses, Joey, that is who! Bless Justin’s heart! One of the best RNs I ever had in hospital looked like an NFL linebacker. 😂😂😂😂

  17. Charlotte Vale
    Charlotte Vale says:

    Who says “toesies?” Great nurses, Joey, that is who! Bless Justin’s heart! One of the best RNs I ever had in hospital looked like an NFL linebacker. 😂😂😂😂

  18. Maria Scoma
    Maria Scoma says:

    You are very brave! Your experience is so important to our community and I’m thankful for your success in the removal of the tumor and in 100% recovery. Today I made something for lunch inspired by one of your episodes. It was super simple. I was craving Mac N Cheese and boiled the noodles and almost done with cooking then I added 3 bags of frozen veggies that were only half full and either I was gonna use them or toss them. Then I strained the noodles and veggies and added the vegan cheese sauce. I my lunch watching your testimony and hospitalization is the same with us all, lots of pestering for the patient making us get well soon! You did it!! You are healed!!

  19. Hazel Em
    Hazel Em says:

    I am an anaesthetic nurse and I work in neuro surgery twice a week. Here in Australia, where I am currently working, the anaesthetist and surgeons, in your case the neuro and ENT surgeons have a legal obligation to explain everything again to the patient on the day of the surgery. From the tube they put down your throat with the possible subsequent pain and discomfort to the possible side effects and complications. After surgery patients go to the Recovery and we go on to the next surgery. I have had major surgery before so I know what it’s like, but I have never heard it explained like you have, especially post transphenoidal surgery. I think this will help many people. Good luck with your recovery.

  20. Laura Castillejos
    Laura Castillejos says:

    You are approachable! Thats one of the many reasons why we adore you! I'm so happy that you were treated well in the hospital. Thank God for awesome nurses like Justin! Thanks for updating us, Joey. Love & Hugs 😘

  21. Rebecca Felton
    Rebecca Felton says:

    Omg so happy that you are doing so well❤. I have been thinking about you and praying you were okay ❤️love your channel and yes you do seem like such an approachable guy. Teachers are just the best people out there and it shows through on this channel ❤ you are funny too Highcarb Hannah calling you because your to skinny 😂 and because of your diet you didn’t have inflammation in your body. So that helped you to heal very quickly. Keep us updated Joey love you❤


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