Boil An Egg in a Plastic Bag? – Heat Capacity | Kitchen Science

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32 replies
  1. Bergkatse2
    Bergkatse2 says:

    Wrong type of plastic. When I was in Kyoto I had a whole sukiyaki meal cooked in a paper bag over an open flame. If your plastic melts lower than waters boiling point you;ll have trouble.

  2. exturkconner
    exturkconner says:

    Not all plastic are created equal. And you probably don't want to do it over a direct flame. Charcoal makes sense as they probably use it ashed when it's not burning exterior wise just hot. If you put something over your burner. Like a pan, or a metal sheet, or tile it would probably work better.

  3. Laughter On Water
    Laughter On Water says:

    Try it with a brown paper bag folded so that there are no pasted edges to leak. Let the bag get soggy, then cook the egg in that. The water that soaks through the paper bag keeps the paper from burning. This might work better than a plastic bag.

  4. Randal140d
    Randal140d says:

    Short version: You're using the wrong heat source. It's too hot, too close, and too large. Use a more suitable heat source such as a small campfire, a Sterno, or a Kerosene Lantern converted to a stove (my Hurricane Prep choice)

    TL:DR version:
    Over the years, I've often boiled water in plastic or paper containers when camping. I've also seen refuges using the "boil/cook in a bag" technique. My best guess as to why you're having a problem is…too much heat!

    Propane burns at about 3632°F. That's a wee bit more than a campfire's 1,112°F. The coals may produce heat upwards of 2000°F but only for a short distance. Wood/wood products normally ignite around 450°F. Just remember the book-burning book/movie "Fahrenheit 451"! Or just remember ovens, stoves, and recipes historically top out at 450 degrees.

    BTW: Temperature is not as critical as total energy output ; roughly speaking, temp x surface area x time / distance. ex. 3 tea candles will heat a cup of water 3 times faster than 1 tea candle.

    I was taught (back in the 60s) to use the hand method. I still see it used today. If you can hold your hand over the heat source 4-7 seconds, that the point you want to place bag at.

    (great. now you've made me look it up). Weber Grills has this gem.

  5. Kas Mato
    Kas Mato says:

    Cook fried egg using a kraft paper bag and oil! During my boy scout days, the instructor taught us how to cook eggs using kraft paper bag and oil. Just pour some oil inside the bag. Make sure the 1/4 of the bag is well oiled. Crack an egg or two. Then hang the bag over burning coals or the remains of a campfire.


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