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20 replies
  1. Maria M
    Maria M says:

    So happy for you Lulu that you met & had your interview with Bob Wells. He was your inspiration to a very rich & fulfilling Van lifestyle. Congratulations on the interview & will be looking forward to seeing it someday; when he posts it.
    Can’t believe you got him to dance. Happy travels Lulu.
    Mariaknits27 💃🏻💕 🚐

  2. Life IZ Good 💕🌈
    Life IZ Good 💕🌈 says:

    I totally get it Lulu! Is so good for our souls!

    I just got back to my home base Sunday from a two-month solo van trip and it has been an odd adjustment. I can’t wait to get back on the road.

    One day, we’ll meet up.

    Until then, have a bodacious adventure!

  3. J Leila Trewmyn
    J Leila Trewmyn says:

    Hi Lulu! Love your personality and that accent! lol! I'm in Maine. I've been here for like 22 years, and before that I lived in Az for about 9 years. I came upon this van-life thing recently, and, I'm convinced, this is my retirement plan! (maybe my EARLY retirement plan, even). I so wish I could head down to Lake Havasu to meet up with you and the others. My dad's in AZ also. I'm going to take my first babysteps towards doing this, this spring/summer. Winter's just getting started right now. I'll be looking for more of your videos!

  4. Berni
    Berni says:

    Your story put a smile on my face. Remind me when my 1st thoughts, 2009, my sister told me about(….)with health issues and 2 accidents 2yrs now life is slower. Days I don't want to I n I see your video totally inspires me to continue forward, "I'm not alone."
    I SAY "OH No She Didn't"
    You did … ya both danced😊
    🇵🇷 say WEPAAAA
    Luv it. You probly be d 1st.🎉

  5. Alicia L
    Alicia L says:

    I have a similar story I discovered Bob Wells about 6-7 years ago and I've been preparing since, I have a small TT or my Yukon (car camp) that I travel in now on vacations and I'm now 9 months from retirement, I never knew this type of travel existed I also never went beyond the east coast(except Hawaii and Caribbean) until I went to Phoenix 8 years ago on business and drove up to see the Grand Canyon and I realized there was so much more to this country that I needed to see, I can't wait to start traveling where I have more than a week to explore, when you only have a week or two you can't travel too far from home before you have to turn back.

  6. Cathy Ciulla
    Cathy Ciulla says:

    Oh crap I was looking forward for your van tour with Bob, but that's fine you got a dance with him that makes the wait worth waiting. Haaa safe travel's. Luann is a lot of fun.

  7. marsha beebe
    marsha beebe says:

    Lulu, I always seem to cross paths with you on You Tube when I need it most. Today, it was your choice to show annoyances the door and just take it slow and be positive. Loved it! Needed it!


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