Binging with Babish: Boeuf Bourguignon from Julie & Julia

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Frequently, watching a Meryl Streep movie means you’re watching it for Meryl Streep, and not much else. But in the case of Julie & Julia, a host of stunning food …

49 replies
  1. Razor2112
    Razor2112 says:

    At :30 seconds he pulls the pot of dangerously boiling water towards him with his knife in hand??

    YouTube clown, lost all credibility from this 40 year professional chef…

  2. gam3inglik3apro
    gam3inglik3apro says:

    I always wondered what the point of blanching the bacon was for. Like if you’re going to remove it why not just soak some up with a towel or something instead of getting a whole pot of water and everything. Not say it’s wrong but it’s also easier and does the same thing right?

  3. Richie M
    Richie M says:

    I kinda hate this movie, Amy Adams character is annoying, self involved and seemingly unwilling to get the help she obviously needs. But her scenes are occasionally funny. As for Meryl Streep, I know Julia Child had a "unique" voice but holy fuck did I want to punch her after about 5 seconds after anytime she started talking. If you're a fan of the movie and the people in it, ignore me and enjoy what you enjoy.

  4. Mark Russell
    Mark Russell says:

    After 2230 comments, someone must have mentioned that it is vitally important to dry the meat before browning. You won't get the yummy brown on the meat if it is at all moist.

  5. thatoneguy
    thatoneguy says:

    My friend told me she did the Ina Garten version of this dish. Hers requires you to put cognac and set it on fire. As fun as that sounds, I will stick with this one. Lol

  6. j a
    j a says:

    Love the recipe… but I have a SIGNED version of "The Way To Cook." PLEASE don't ever try to do her voice again… that was just wrong.

  7. Ella Schmidt
    Ella Schmidt says:

    I got your cookbook for Christmas, and this was the first recipe I made for the family for New Years Eve, plus the country bread loaf. It was INCREDIBLE ! I can’t wait to make everything else

  8. lilnitenurse
    lilnitenurse says:

    I LOVE how you are an everyman's cook! Unlike the big-name chefs, who never seem to make a mistake and all their dishes are perfectly plated, your cooking videos are actually human. You have dropped a carrot, burned your fingers, and sometimes your dish does not come out like it was supposed to. In other words, you have shown yourself to be human, and have proved to us the public that it's perfectly ok to be human and make a mistake in the kitchen. Which also means that making an error does not make one a bad cook, for the simple reason that one can learn from these errors. Thank you ever so much for showing us the human side of cooking, and for helping us all to learn how to improve our cooking, and to just be great cooks like yourself.


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