Billy vs Instant Pot Yet Again

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I’m chicken of chicken.

23 replies
  1. J G
    J G says:

    Billy, you’re such fun! Now, a couple of things. 😉

    First, I don’t know how old the eggs were that you said were about to go bad, but if kept at a stable temp in the fridge- they last months. That’s no joke. Second, I have read that eating eggs reheated in a microwave, is a not ok. The microwave causes some change in them that is dangerous. That said, I’ve done it and never gotten sick!

    Congrats! You had ads this time. And I watched three times.

  2. A N
    A N says:

    Use gloves then to touch raw meat. I used to be the same way about cooking , everything exact, now I can throw things together and things turn out fine.

  3. brown eyed BITCH
    brown eyed BITCH says:

    Billy the long you use the machine the easier it gets. When I 1st got mine I was scared to death also. Due to remembering the old pressure cooker back in the sixties when I blew it up and had green beans all over the ceiling. So just keep using it

  4. ton73z28
    ton73z28 says:

    Billy, you are getting better with the instapot.
    You need to keep practicing because all of us, your follows will be coming over for dinner when the pandemic is over 🤓🤓

    Who's with me. LOL.
    I can't wait to hear you rave about how good your meal can oit, tomorrow.

  5. Barbara Godin
    Barbara Godin says:

    I always split the 8 pack so I can do two different recipes.
    You're going to use 2-3 sprigs, use one of your spiffy clips to dry the rest.

    Protip: nitrile food service gloves by the box. Protects from the slime, onion and garlic hands, all that.

    I did a similar recipe with caper berries, the lemon chicken basic recipe is pretty flexible. Capers, artichokes (are so much work), olives.

    I only use the insta pot to make soups because I don't like the diameter of it. I use a cast iron dutch oven.

    You deserve poetry for your efforts!

  6. Dd Smile
    Dd Smile says:

    Take your left over spices melt butter and if you have ice trays or can get ice trays put your left over spices in the ice trays and pour melted butter over it insta spices for next time you cook you can also use olive oil


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