Big Supper Tonight With Garden Veggies & Cornbread

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GARDEN GREEN BEANS, SWEET POTATO PIE, FRIED OKRA, RED BEANS have recipes listed at the bottom of this post! Visit us …

27 replies
  1. Ginger Holland
    Ginger Holland says:

    Fresh vegetables from the garden are my favorite food. We love corn, tomatoes, and fried okra, but I use cornmeal instead of flour in my okra and pan fry until mostly brown. My Mom made it this way. Everything that I have made from your recipes has turned our great!

  2. Tressa Baker
    Tressa Baker says:

    I'm glad you had to go "searching for a pan lid" just like the rest of us! Lol 😉 I always have to do that too, and we KNOW we have lids that fit…but they seem to disappear when you need to use them! 😉

  3. Helen Boula
    Helen Boula says:

    If me I know you guys are married but do you cook and eat like this every night well I guess maybe you do cuz I can remember when I was married to my children's father and his mother fact he was a chef in the Army and if I didn't cookie cooking and I could really put away the food but I can't anymore I can cook it for the family but they're little and if I overdo it up I'm 75 in my stomach can't handle it mentally I want to eat all that food and I cook for the family most of the time but my stomach can't handle it that I can remember back in the day when I could put it away and never gain an ounce but it's not like that now I'm up to a hundred and ten but it's all in the wrong places I'm one of those little ladies was that little pot belly stove I need to be retired in Florida's my metal detector that's what I need and I will make it there before I die I will retire to Florida cuz I sent most of my young years their loved it but I think I was going to say my children's father is no longer living I miss him so much if I could just pick up the phone and say hi but I can't but he's looking down on us and he's watching us and I do know when it occurs that's not a I wish thing it's a thing that I know for a fact not often but he does visit

  4. Helen Boula
    Helen Boula says:

    I'm a lot older than you I think I have my daughter's 55 so here's my music the old rock and roll Motown R&B and do you know that Elvis Presley was not one of my favorites at all Ricky Nelson was and Frankie Valli to me Elvis represented evil he had that 15 year old girl he brought him here from England that he's lived with that he lied about this is like jewelry Lewis America's first cousin at 13 if anybody else other than go to prison so no I never liked Elvis Presley at all and people just didn't get it now did I go to his concert I went with my sister and I was miserable but yeah Marvin Gaye Smokey Robinson Jackie Wilson Frankie Valli nail Sedaka Bobby Darin the list Connie Francis Dusty Springfield oh my gosh I have all of those songs that I have a library of all the old rock and roll Motown rhythm and blues my daughter bought that from Chevelle 12 years ago for my birthday and I just almost flipped out when I want to feel good I pull out my music and yeah I watch him to Tammy I sure do then I go back to another time and place and that's when I had the best time of my life it was pure it was innocent it was fun and I had a great life here after I left the orphanage that I was raised in I really had a great life and I've had a good ride that I'm still going strong

  5. Helen Boula
    Helen Boula says:

    I just made my great-grandchildren a big rich chocolate cheesecake with a simple chocolate glaze icing and I know they're probably not going to be too much stuff which is not that I don't care I guess what I'm a great-grandmother I can do what I want to lol I'll take the heat for it I'll take the hit at what watts mom and daddy going to do right


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