Betty Crocker Cookbook Collection | Comparison of the 1st – 13th Edition | Food History

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The updated Betty Crocker Cookbook is here! The new 13th edition of the classic Betty Crocker Cookbook was just released.

16 replies
  1. Russ
    Russ says:

    Amy has two different Betty Crocker series of cookbooks. There is the Betty Crocker Cookbook and the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook. Both first editions were published in 1950. What is nice about the picture cookbook is that there are 6 pictures showing how the recipe progresses during preparation that is a great asset to the novice home cook! The step-by-step format of the picture cookbook has been copied by many other cookbook publishers. I have an abbreviated version of a Betty Crocker Cookbook I bought from a Sears catalog store for $2.97. It was my first cookbook. It is still an often-used reference almost 50 years later!

  2. LorieAnn
    LorieAnn says:

    My parents gave me the Bridal edition in 2002 as a wedding gift to go along with my KA stand mixer. I grew up using the Cooky Book at the holidays. My mom has the 1st edition and I have the 3rd (I think). Some great cookbooks!!

  3. Nancy Curtis
    Nancy Curtis says:

    I believe there is a book that was published on Betty Crocker and her beginning and how she has evolved…it is a really great book. I have all of the Betty Crocker cookbooks starting in 1965 when I got married right after graduation from high school all of the way to today but I don’t have the latest edition…I will look for it.


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