BETTER Than Pot Roast – SIMPLE Slow Cooker Beef

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This slow cooker beef uses simple ingredients with some unconventionally ingredients to make a flavor packed dish! Low-carb …

23 replies
  1. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    This looks fabulous. Cooked a chuck roast slowly in the oven last night and couldnt cut the darn thing. This is going to be fun to see the results. And, your videos bring a smile to my face after a long day every…single…time. Thank you!

  2. Frank Cuccia
    Frank Cuccia says:

    I don't understand people's aversion to garlic. Maybe it's because I'm Italian, but I love to put garlic in most things. My rule is this: If you ask yourself, "Is this too much garlic?" then add more. When you reach the point where you think, "Oh my God, this is too much garlic." that's the perfect amount.

  3. Alan Cohoon
    Alan Cohoon says:

    This looks pretty sassy. I love anything that basically prays to the pepper gods, because they're nothing to sneeze at! Seriously though, the inclusion of that much garlic, salt and pepper much ratchet the flavor profile up to a 9, at least. We have a roast, so this might be the up and coming recipe to do! Flavor country here we come!

  4. Ann Parker
    Ann Parker says:

    Oh Dennis, you're a lifesaver! Our son is coming tomorrow from CT to GA to visit for a few days. I wanted something easy, kind of traditional, but with a little flair, to cook for the occasion, so this is perfect! Thanks


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