Best Vegan Broth Recipe | EASY Veggie Stock | CHEAP Vegan Dishes!

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Making veggie stock from scratch is one of the most rewarding items to have on hand in the fridge, and also one of the easiest …

21 replies
  1. dauntie kay
    dauntie kay says:

    Indeed, this is amazing veggie stock! I stopped buying veggie stock and use only this recipe for all my soups. I have tried this recipes 4 or 5 times so far and every time it is just amazing, in fact, I have some on the stove right now waiting for it to come to a boil. Just a wonderful recipe and thank you for sharing it with us!!!

  2. Jackie Treehorn
    Jackie Treehorn says:

    Eh…made this tonight. It was pretty thin and watery in flavor. There are some issues with it. First off, one of the problems with using potato in veggie broth is that it tends to fall apart, which means everything from a cloudy veggie broth to one with little particles of potato mush floating around. Broccoli tends to make a stock bitter and is usually not recommended. I added one stalk and don't think it added much flavor but I'd also be hesitant to add more. Adding that many parsley stalks might be a problem, but cilantro is a completely different situation. A similar amount of cilantro is likely to produce a noticeable cilantro flavor in your broth, which you may or may not want, but you should be aware of. Also, I'd suggest adding some roughly chopped celery stalks (NO LEAVES) – a classic mirepoix is a sound base for veggie broth. Generally a mirepoix has a 2:1 ratio of onion to other ingredients, so I'd also suggest adding more onion. I'd also suggest cutting up the veggies a bit smaller since it gives more flavor to the stock. Lastly a tsp of peppercorn and a bay leaf or two is a good idea. We'll use the broth, but I wouldn't use this recipe again.

  3. Arun Subramanian
    Arun Subramanian says:

    Hi Will. Apologies for commenting on a very old video. I just found your channel. I have a question. I see that the Onions and Garlic where not peeled. Can I peel the Onion and then chop it in half for the cook? I am just worried about the dirt (if any) on the eye or the peel of the onion. Hope you reply!


  4. Corvette Wlodek
    Corvette Wlodek says:

    I’ve always purchased veggie broth for my vegan soups, but I’m definitely going to start making my own veggie stock from now on! I love that you added cilantro to the batch! This will make a lovely tortilla soup!

  5. Diane Farr
    Diane Farr says:

    Hi Will,
    Thank you so much 4 ur reply. I will have a go when I'm able. I look after a 92 Yr old friend 24/7. It's quite full on & I don't always have much time 2 myself.
    Take care o urself n b safe. 🙏
    Di. xx 🐈 🐱 🌻


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