Best Pressure Cookers of the year

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

Links to the Best Pressure Cookers listed in the video◅ 5. PressurePro 10 in 1: (Amazon) 4. Mealthy MultiPot …

33 replies
  1. David
    David says:

    INstant Pot has 2 newer models. THe IP Duo Plus and another one that has dials instead of buttons. THe Plus is a fantastic machine that has Stainless Steel pots which are better thtn ceramic which end up scratching.
    The Yedi is made in the same factory and is very similar to the Instant Pot DUo Plus is cheaper and comes with additional stainless Steel accessories but is the pot is the same as the Duo Plus. Love them both.

  2. Maggie Cavagnaro
    Maggie Cavagnaro says:

    Sorry, guys, but I have the 6 qt. and 8 qt. Mealthy Multipots which are wonderful and more affordable than some made by Instant Pot and others. And their website contains so many step by step recipes that come out perfect. Also, their Customer Service Department people are the best I’ve ever encountered. Why it was No. 4 in your poll surprised me. I recall it was polled No. 2 in an earlier poll. Hopefully, those out there that enjoy their Mealthy Multipots as much as I do will make videos too. Currently, Jeff of Pressure Luck, is my absolute favorite. He uses the I Pot and that’s okay. He’s so entertaining but does everything step by step, just as the Mealthy videos do their recipes.

  3. Ganancias y Dinero
    Ganancias y Dinero says:

    This comparison about best pressure cookers is useful to know which ones could be a good choice and in particular the third pressure cooker shown on third place is a good option for buying cause it has the same functions like other ones and it's programmable and is easy to clean in a washer machine. Thanks.

  4. Akhi
    Akhi says:

    Very informative video. Gave in depth details about best pressure cookers of each type and finally solved the problem of which pressure cooker to buy. Thanks …

  5. tiki taki
    tiki taki says:

    So beautiful!! Can't imagine how easy is to cook with these! Unfortunately I'd have to wait to afford one, but this is something that makes life of every housewife much easier!

  6. Тая Картова
    Тая Картова says:

    Very useful video that helps make the best choice, thank you! I already bought a pressure cooker and my life changed for better – now I save much time on cooking and spend more time on important things and with my family and friends. What is great – it saves time on cooking, efforts, also on cleaning after cooking. It's easy to use and maintain. Besides, I can eat healthy food thanks to pressure cooker which is also tasty. So, it makes me happy and for sure it helps me a lot!)

  7. Sofija Dimic
    Sofija Dimic says:

    I have to admit that I have been looking for the most useful and the most practical one, for a quite a while. This one looks totally acceptable, taking in consideration the need of my family. All I could say is that it is really great to find you. All I have to do is to make my choice. Great way to save money, energy and time. Thanks for good review.

  8. mm granados
    mm granados says:

    That's modern technology for you. I didn't know there were these options. We still use the pressure cooker that is used in the stove. Thanks for this video. I like the first one because of the energy saving feature


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