Best Plant Based Vegan Slow Cooked Beans

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Keeping up with Whole Food Plant Based Vegan eating in a hectic family schedule can feel overwhelming at times. One way to make it easier is to cook foods …

43 replies
  1. merrily beck
    merrily beck says:

    appreciate the basic info on cooking beans in a crock pot… BUT… ye gods! a teaspoon of herbs in all those beans??? I always laugh when some recipe call's for 2 cloves of garlic for huge pot of something going to really bland guess it depends on where you cook from and personal taste

  2. Allison Jones-Lo
    Allison Jones-Lo says:

    I never get gas from beans because I cook them with a piece of Kombu (kelp). I never soak them either. Kombu is found in many supermarkets these days and one small bag lasts me a year or so. I learned this tip from a friend who learned it from her mexican grandmother. It worked beautifully from day one.

  3. onefoot7
    onefoot7 says:

    Do I have to order Rancho Gordo online, I think I ran into trouble at their website??? I am in Virginia? Need the Rancho Gordo, but not sure where to get them…..

  4. Christopher Fernandez
    Christopher Fernandez says:

    Take it from a Latino, you want some salt in your beans BEFORE you cook them. Cooking your beans without salt in the water is like cooking potatoes without salt before making mash. You need the starch to do some of the heavy lifting in the flavor department. If you gave an abuela (grandmother) beans that were under salted you'd better be ready for a date with her chancla (slipper)! Good recipe though, I would just add SOME salt pre cooking.

  5. Shawna Keehn
    Shawna Keehn says:

    Hello all the way from Canada! I did this recipe yesterday and had it with mashed potatoes. My whole family loved it! Once again thanks a bunch! Much love always! God Bless you and your family! 🙂

  6. Generic
    Generic says:

    Jill, I have Frontier onion powder and love it, however, it cakes in the container. So much so, that I have to put it in the blender to break it down into powder form again. I have to do this every time I use it. Do you do anything special to keep your onion powder "uncaked"?

  7. vanillahugz
    vanillahugz says:

    I’m trying to get more into beans for me and my kids but it’s tough as they won’t eat them whole. So you have recipes for a bean burger? Thanks for the recipe I love your page!

  8. C Golden
    C Golden says:

    My mom always made what she called "soup beans." She soaked over night and then put in the crock pot like you do. They always had a delicious Pot liquor (aka pot likker) which we soaked up with corn bread. I've never been able to get that pot likker right and my bean are never the same consistency as hers. I dunno why.


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