Best Foods to Lower Your Cholesterol (What To Eat & Avoid)

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What are the best foods to lower your cholesterol? Here’s what we did to lower my husband’s cholesterol from 300 to 140 (all …

22 replies
  1. Julie Larson
    Julie Larson says:

    I agree with everything you said! It is so sad how many people are on cholesterol medication. I do believe it contributes to Alzheimer’s. I’m telling people all the time it’s your triglycerides. You need to worry about. Watch the sugar intake and the simple carbs.

  2. Christine
    Christine says:

    Thank you Annette! Love all you share. I have been dancing around this with Drs. For awhile. Can you explain how we can get our own blood tests to check during the interim while I implement the addition of your advice.

  3. Grace Wise
    Grace Wise says:

    Thanks for this very helpful video, Annette.

    It is very important, though, to mention that the love of God is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ for “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” said the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14:6. There are many in the world who think they worship God, but they are offended by Jesus, and are therefore outside the love of God.

  4. Sandy P
    Sandy P says:

    Wonderful information to be had. Thank you for sharing. My cholesterol numbers are too terrible–what's considered borderline. My doc wanted me to take statins but I said no having seen what my father went through after using that medication. The alternative he offered was red yeast rice and through his research, he could offer a reputable brand available only to professionals because not all red yeast rice brands are equal or even effective. Now I know how I can be rid of even that. As soon as I can get my teeth fixed so I can fully commit to a high fiber diet (it's a bit marginal currently), I will be going at this wholeheartedly.

  5. Estela Lordiluv
    Estela Lordiluv says:

    My HDL is excellent and so is my triglycerides my Ldl is high and they want to put me on statins. I told them I will lower it on my own with working harder on my diet which I already did prior to the blood test

  6. Wella Wally
    Wella Wally says:

    I’m so happy you got a new Doctor.

    There are good Doctor’s and there are BAD Doctor’s!

    Yes! Bad!

    I thank God for the good ones, the ones that just want what’s best for you.

    I have a wonderful Doctor that doesn’t mind me taking OTC Supplements.
    Thank you for this video, Ms. Annette!

  7. Lulu
    Lulu says:

    Thank you for this timely reminder about the cholesterol. It is encouraging and informative and just one of the things I'm hoping to improve with a better diet this year!! 🙏❤


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