Belly Fat in Menopause with Dr Sharon Stills | Alcohol, Cortisol, Thyroid and More!

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Belly fat in menopause! Is this something that has crept up on you in your 40s and 50s? If so, you are not alone. This is such a …

7 replies
  1. @amandaaskew7606
    @amandaaskew7606 says:

    Thank you both for this! I wish there were more Dr. Stills around the country. Living in rural TX, drs that understand, or try to understand, hormones and thyroid don't exist. Even after seeing a "specialist", all I was told was that "It's clear your immune system is attacking your thyroid, but we don't know why, and your numbers aren't low enough for medicine." I am trying hard , through trial and error, to heal myself through nutrition and exercise. This info helped a lot!

  2. @tinaharvey9201
    @tinaharvey9201 says:

    Thank you for taking time to share this information…I’m curious on how to go about obtaining a CGM? I do appreciate the both of you and your desire to empower women in their health journey!


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