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Beef Pot Pie Made Easy Level of Difficulty: 3/5 If you’re looking for a meal that will warm you up… then this is the meal for you.

36 replies
  1. Jacqueline Hope
    Jacqueline Hope says:

    Real Good Presentation, great recipe, and to make it mine. I cut every think 4 pieces to your one, and no wine, just because I havent had good luck in my food with wine. And if I were having others for a dinner, I might leave it the size you cut it, but its just me, and I making my frozen food dept of my own, and I dont cook every night, so I cook all day once a week, and freeze lots of things that cost 10.00 at the store, I make better and 1/4 the cost. Keep up the good cooking.

  2. sasentaiko
    sasentaiko says:

    Just found you cuz I was looking for beef pot pie advice for tonight, and these videos are beautiful! The music when the pies came outta the oven tho!🧑🏽‍🍳💋👌🏾
    Thank you for the tip on peeling onions too.
    I was scared for you burning your mouth, you couldn’ta waited 10 mins? I cracked up when you tried licking it cuz that woulda been me too. 😂

  3. Brianna J.
    Brianna J. says:

    I have come to love cooking because of you and your videos/cooking lessons!! I am pushing 30 and was never taught to cook (outside maybe 3 basic dishes- spaghetti/stuffed shells, and meatloaf) and made a habit of eating out. My husband will tell you, before trying out your recipes, I could make a he'll of a salad and sandwich lmboooo!😅 you are my go to, I've gotten to where I know my spices/ herbs, their taste, and can alter some recipes a bit to make them in a different way (your way is number 1 though lol) thanks sooooooo much for being such a humble and generous man, chef and teacher! You are soooo appreciated !!

  4. Bonnie Skelton
    Bonnie Skelton says:

    I literally have at least 10 MARIE CALENDERS BIG OLE BEEF POT PIES IN MY freezer…I love em. (My mom preferred chicken )…but I'm all "WHERES THE BEEF " LOL…LOVE YOUR CHANNEL A.B. YOURE THE BOSS…😘


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