Beef Noodle Soup: from Sichuan, to Taiwan, and back

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Beef noodle soup! In this video we’ll show you the Sichuan style, touch on the Taiwan style, and talk a bit about how that soup …

26 replies
  1. Chinese Cooking Demystified
    Chinese Cooking Demystified says:

    Hey guys, a few notes:

    1. Before anything, we want to make it clear that this video has been in the works for months in advance, even since before our recent trip to Sichuan in January. It was never conceptualized as and shouldn’t be taken as a commentary on current events. That said, we decided to go ahead with this video now anyway, partially because the ongoing tragedy brought to us a sort of… human connection? to historical footage that's often so easy to siphon away in the whole "this is just history" section of your brain.

    2. The movie at 0:52 was “A Brighter Summer Day” (牯嶺街少年殺人事件). Set in a military dependents village, it’s a beautiful film that’s… gut wrenchingly sad. Heavily recommended, but be warned that it’s definitely something that you need to be in the mood for.

    3. Man, noodle soups are so hard to film. Noodles love to drink up soup. After 5-10 minutes of sitting around (common when you’re running around filming stuff), your bowl ends up way dryer than when you started.

    4. There definitely are some Taiwan restaurants in the mainland – there’s a place that I quite like in Shenzhen (can’t seem to find on Dianping right now, I can poke around for the curious) – but often these are opened up by mainlanders that simply have some familiarity with Taiwan food. We’ve gotten in trouble in the past using northeastern restaurants in Shenzhen as a guide for certain dishes, so generally we have to have a really high degree of confidence in a restaurant before using it as the basis for a recipe.

    5. Forgot to say in the video – the red braised beef also freezes really well. So if you’re not sure you can down it all in a week’s time, no worries. You might want to portion it out before freezing, though.

    6. Beef shin is also another really classic cut of beef for this.

    7. Often at the noodle shops in Sichuan, you’ll have a choice of ‘red soup’ – which has a chili oil base, like we did today – and a ‘white soup’, which is just pork bone stock plus toppings.

    8. I don’t have too much experience cooking split peas personally (apologies), so if you have any ideas on timing and such to get the split peas to roughly the consistency that we have here, definitely leave a line. From a quick google it appears to be ~20 minutes, no need to soak. Will edit this when I have better information.

    9. Obviously, feel free to mix and match these versions. Want to do the instant noodle version, only with stock, Lao Gan Ma, and the seasoning mix from the noodle shop version? Go for it.

    Will probably edit this with a few more notes in a bit. And thank you for the patience of watching a 17 minute recipe video lol… hope you enjoyed it, we definitely threw all we had at this one 🙂

  2. Ginger Wellington
    Ginger Wellington says:

    Could you answer a question for me? I'm trying to identify a dish I had over a decade ago but I'm not sure I have the right one. I THINK it might be Chow-Fun, but the one I made didn't taste right. It's a flat-noodle stir fried dish with beef, tasted sweet. Which one is that?

  3. 對不起,謝謝。
    對不起,謝謝。 says:

    請多享受陽光,多吃純素,無動物蛋、動物奶、動物奶酪起司、昆蟲蜂蜜。Enjoy Sunshine and Please be Vegan, no animal’s eggs, animal’s milk, animal’s butter, and insect’s honey🥬🥗🌽🥕🥦🥥🥑🍓🍇🍌🍎🍐🍑🥭🍅🥒🍉❤️🌞🌈👼❤️🏖.

  4. Wolfgang Dorojatun
    Wolfgang Dorojatun says:

    It obviously great video. But I think the fried egg is unnecessary, as I believe it is never the addition in Taiwan bns. I think, the only reason why there is egg there is, it is vegetable package for every kind of instant noodle they make, not only bns.

  5. Ray Martinez
    Ray Martinez says:

    Business idea. Sell "Pods" in Cheesecloth of the spices needed to make a batch of this awesome soup. Id buy a couple packets of these spices as opposed to buying jars of the 6 individual spices i would only use a few times a year.


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