Beef Butter Bacon Eggs & Keto Chow | How to cook a Bottom Round Roast in the oven

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50 replies
  1. Thp III
    Thp III says:

    Your chiropractor is a criminal, they do say to help correct and make the adjustment have the greatest chance of staying is to do 3 visits per week for 2 to 3 weeks max. A great exercise for neck/posture is place heels, butt, and shoulder blades against flat wall push back of head against wall hold for 15 seconds repeat 3 sets fo this 2 times daily. As a landscaper it helps mitigate string trimmer neck.

  2. fabricpixie
    fabricpixie says:

    Chiropractor did not work for me … PT was amazing, and I did my exercises at home religiously. A rolled towel under my neck was my pillow for several years, suggested by the therapist, it worked. PT for 3 months, only 2 days a wk because of cost, the exercises at home is what saved me from lots of pain and cost.

  3. Suzie Clary
    Suzie Clary says:

    I use turmeric paste for inflammation. I don't know the carbs. I'll take 2-3tsp in lg mug of hot water. That's my favorite. If you like curry, then you might like it in your bp coffee or food.
    You start w tsp or less and build up. I'll even do 4tsp when I'm in a seriously painful inflammatory response.

  4. Lisa Ferraro
    Lisa Ferraro says:

    we usually make a Pot roast, or bottom round, in the dutch oven on the stove…used to make with beef gravy and potatoes and carrots! But now i would just do the meat in the oven w/o the vege

  5. Ovel Rankin
    Ovel Rankin says:

    I know everyone is different, and believe me, I wish I could have stayed Keto. I am getting over Shingles that was on my head & right side of my face. The pain was excruciating! It was so bad I couldn’t eat for a week. When I was able to finally eat, the only thing I could stand the smell of was oatmeal and crackers, both of which I had to choke down. After that it was chicken soup that a lady from church made with bone broth. I was so thankful for these three things! Now that I’m almost better, I still don’t have an appetite, but am eating meat & ,sometimes eggs. Today I am going to attempt cooking pork loin with salt & pepper (hopefully garlic pepper) because smell of spices really mess with my tummy. Can’t wait to all the way better! PS. lost 16 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks, but definitely NOT the way to do it! 😁

  6. Brian Steiner
    Brian Steiner says:

    Consider an inversion table and consider the joint chiro (typically monthly if $69 for 4 visits – way less than $3K). You will be able to tell when you are good. for me it was about 6 months.

  7. Linda Kootz
    Linda Kootz says:

    Joe, my son in law has a similar problem with his neck/shoulder. His chiropractor told him to use a pool noodle behind his neck to sleep on. He cuts the noodle to the length he wants and then just tosses it when it gets too dirty to use. It works great for him.

  8. HoofnIt03
    HoofnIt03 says:

    I love my chiro. He looks at me as an individual, and he knows my lifestyle. No 12 week $3k "miracle cure" to sign up for. He also gives me exercises.
    The other good thing about a rolled up towel is its easy to adjust the size as needed. I hope you are able to work through it Joe! And Rachel, you keep on doing what you are doing because it's working! Feel better!

  9. TamT
    TamT says:

    Look on YouTube chiropractors called : Bob & Brad. I followed some of their advice when I had trigger finger and so far it’s getting better. Also used one of their videos for my carpal tunnel and what a difference it’s made. It doesn’t cost anything, so no loss there. I have a couple friends that used their videos also for some of their elements and they also had some success. I know no one is the same and don’t always get the same results. But I do hope you get that arm better soon. I had to have rotary cuff surgery 6 weeks ago. It was a total tear & omg 😳 what pain!!!! But I’m now in therapy and it’s unreal how much improvement I’m seeing!! Good luck on finding something that works soon for you!

  10. Sylvia Spillett
    Sylvia Spillett says:

    Physical therapy that can set you up with a home exercise program that you can do on your owe. It might tack them a few visit to figure out the best program that will help you. Try taking a hand towel and roll it up find the thickness that feels the best to you then slide into the bottom of your pillow case that way it will stay in place while you sleep. PT goal is to teach you how to care for your self and can move it a long a little faster with manual work for a couple of weeks. The most important for you to do if you go the Physical Therapy rout is make sure you have a good understanding of that proper technique of the exercises that they give you it will make a difference. If you have any more questions just ask I wish I could do move for you but AZ is little far. ❤️

  11. carnivore grammy
    carnivore grammy says:

    right after Thanksgiving I got sick. didnt test to see if it was the dreaded virus but really just felt like a cold. hubby decided to share it with me. when I feel like that I am going to take the medicine that makes me feel better the fastest. I stayed carnivore with my food and drink and took Tylenol. but when it started moving into my chest I had him go get me some Mucinex tablets and some mentholated honey lemon cough drops. within 36 hrs it was no longer in my chest and I was on the mend. I dont care that those cough drops had sugar.

  12. Lana's Sustainable Ketovore Life
    Lana's Sustainable Ketovore Life says:

    Hi y'all!! The roast looks A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!! It almost looks like it was cooked my favorite sous vide!! 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋

    I have to take Turmeric with Bioprene and Ginger or I can reallllllyyyy feel how much inflammation I have!

    I'm on my 2nd round of Omicron, so being sick increases inflammation a lot. I'm on the mend, so I'm gonna be fine.

    Hubs has pneumonia and isn't doing so well. He's 64 and has cancer in one lung already, but he refused to stay in the hospital. He has a DNR, so they won't ventilate him anyway. So, it's a wait, pray, and hope situation. 🙏

    Love you guys! Lana ❤💙💜

  13. Synergyb3
    Synergyb3 says:

    Thx for the link & discount code for Redmond. Their Smoked Salt is back! I ordered some for my brothers (I think these may be Groundhog Day gifts!) and stocked up myself! I am a Salty Soul! ❤️

  14. Susie Homesteader
    Susie Homesteader says:

    Some of the best advice I got for my neck was sleeping without a pillow and lying across bed 2-3 x a day on my back and let my head hang off side for 10-15 mins. Those things really got my curve back in my neck along with the neck traction like you were talking about with the towel. Good luck!

  15. fabricpixie
    fabricpixie says:

    hmmmj, Redmond salt sent me an email answering a question : what is Chef's blend … Chef's Blend is smoked using 5 different types of wood for 42 hours, it’s darker in color and more robust in flavor with hints of espresso and cocoa. Not sure I want cocoa on my steak. What's your take on this flavor blend?

  16. Amber Hobson
    Amber Hobson says:

    Went to a chiro who had me on the $3k plan (took him 2 minutes and same treatment every visit for a year) and it had 0 effect. I tried a different chiro who uses different methods and saw improvement within 4 visits. He proceeded to cut my visits back and now I just do maintenance. Completely different experience.

    P.S. I get myself back to sleep in minutes using sleep stories from the calm app….beats laying awake for hours.


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