Beef Butter Bacon Egg & Keto Chow challenge, day 3 | How we make protein bread | New Year, New "Do"

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Keto Chow: (automatically gives you 10% off) Bread Recipe: …

40 replies
  1. Rebecca Ng
    Rebecca Ng says:

    My gosh! That meat looked amazing!!!! 👍❤❤

    Was just thinking, you should do a chicken fried steak recipe, im sure you could use eggs and pork rind crumbs for the coating and then with some of that leftover gravy! That would be amazing! 😍 and would be doable on the BBB&E challenge because you use cube steak witch is pretty inexpensive!

  2. Sylvia Spillett
    Sylvia Spillett says:

    We by are meat when it's on sale tomorrow one of the stores we shop at has london broil for 2.77 lb we watch the sales and wrap the meat in freezer paper or seal-a-meal. The most we ever pay is 5.00 lb and that is for ribeye and T-bone steak 😋

  3. Sheri Morgan
    Sheri Morgan says:

    As another obsessed with making this “PSMF Bread Maker.., have you tried the Keto chow Egg whites using a Sparkling water? I made a loaf included La Croix Lemon with a Tblspoon of Sour Cream… incredible’ …Now I’m going to be posting my Beer read recipe… crossing fingers it will work out Amazing! Love&light from California 💗💗

  4. Patty S.
    Patty S. says:

    Now I want pot roast!! So glad you guys handled internet issues so well. Those of us who follow will never hold that against you! I have followed you guys from the beginning but I kept on & off the wagon. Now being 4 months in I’m working on interacting more as I’m determined to keep the way I feel better! Thank you! Xo

  5. Synergyb3
    Synergyb3 says:

    Joe, now I need a soda stream & it is too expensive! I will have to move to a place with more counter space because I don’t have a spare inch! Lol But I have been buying lots of flavored sparkling water lately & I can see how a SS would save me money.

  6. fabricpixie
    fabricpixie says:

    regarding allulose, I've reduced down to 1/2T and it still gives me gas … ok if I'm home. Last night's bread I made without any allulose, tho I did use 1/2T lakanto golden, and add 2 yolks. Turned out awesome, soft and tasty but the side did cave in.

  7. fabricpixie
    fabricpixie says:

    I"m not completely committing to BBBE challenge 100% but going to do the best that I can … hubby grills / cooks and doesn't do keto, so I'm at his mercy for dinners, chicken etc. Today I started with 2 cups coffee with 2 eggs, followed by 3 fried eggs, pork belly chips and 2 thick sices of PSMF bread and butter. He has chicken breast thawing out for dinner. But keeping carbs low is my goal and I think I'm doing ok.

  8. Kate Collins
    Kate Collins says:

    I've made 2 batches of the bread this week. I use all the yolks though. I broke an egg the other day so added the yolk in making 13 yolks mixed through at the end and it was the softest bread I have made so far. Bacon grease so far works the best for me in the pan.

    Meat prices are getting higher in Australia as well. Chuck here used to be affordable but I have noticed yesterday it has gone from $10/kg ($5/lb) to $20/kg ($10/lb). Even our Aldi meat prices are up as well. A lb of similar ground pork here is $5.

  9. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Sat down to eat my chuck roast I cooked sous vide in the Anova Oven (thanks Joe! for your demos) and happily eating it and drinking water. I might add a small Keto Chow later, but for right now I am full.
    Rachel, I loved that voice mail you have in your head! I wish I had that in real life to put on my phone so people calling would get the message I'm not answering it. It was so good but my voice is too raspy to sing.
    BBBE is going well for the first three days. Ground beef patties, chuck roast, steak, lots of bacon (cooked in the oven) and eggs (fried, scrambled and hard boiled). I am cooking every three days and I cook enough to eat for a couple of days. Not many dishes to wash and no decisions to make beyond picking out what kind of beef I want. Looking forward to seeing what happens at the end of 30 days.

  10. Theresa Walker
    Theresa Walker says:

    Just sat down to watch this episode but wanted to thank you for all you do before life gets in the way and I forget 😊 I'm not doing the BBBE challenge but I'm doing Keto Chow 3x a day for at least 2 weeks. Keto on, y'all


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