Beef and Guinness Stew feat. MyVirginKitchen

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Beef and Guinness stew is a perfect dish to warm you up on a cold day! Get the recipe: Don’t …

38 replies
  1. David White
    David White says:

    Made this dish today. Added parsnips to it for a little more flavor. This was absolutely delicious. We also made Irish brown bread to eat with it.

    Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Amahl1971
    Amahl1971 says:

    Looks very good and you are telegenic to beat the band. 3 suggestions: cut the beef into much bigger pieces – 2 – 2 1/2 inches square (5 – 6 cm); brown them much much more – they should be crusty; braise for 2+ hrs at low heat – say 150C (300F)

  3. Fare From Scratch
    Fare From Scratch says:

    This looks amazing. I am making Guniness Braised Beef tonight and will be uploading a video before saint patties day. Would love input on the video. Please subsribe to my channel and check out the video.

  4. Ryansoulman gibson
    Ryansoulman gibson says:

    You made the mistake of putting all of your beef in at once. When browning the meat add the chunks a few peices at a time to brown them. This will ensure you don’t lower the temperature of the oil too much, and you will get that nice caramelization

  5. Jammy Dodger
    Jammy Dodger says:

    Great recipe, Donal. I made it for tea tonight. Followed it exactly, but just added a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Really deep rich flavour. I usually put a lot of herds in my stews, but this tasted far better without. 👍

  6. Prince T
    Prince T says:

    Made something similar but used leeks, newcastle pale ale and a couple bullion cubes (wrong spelling? Lol) and cooked for 3 hours. Cant beat this type of stew.

    Great vid and looks delish

  7. emrys
    emrys says:

    hay man great vid 🙂 woulld it also work on a slow cooker or id it best on the hob/gass burner ? I am trying to exspand my cooking knowlage and would love to add this to my list


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