Because ARROZ CON LECHE is the BEST to Enjoy ALL YEAR ROUND #mexicanrecipes #arrozconleche #shorts

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32 replies
  1. Cris Aes
    Cris Aes says:

    If you cook the rice in the milk it'll absorb the flavor of the milk when you cook the rice in the water it absorbs the flavor of the. Water you're still going to have a little bit of a water taste in the rice. Best results cook your rice in milk.

  2. sankalp jaiswal
    sankalp jaiswal says:

    Being from India I've always felt that the food of southern America/Mexico (i don't know much about the ethnicity but don't wanna be wrong) is really amazing and shares certain similarities with Indian food. Some of the ingredients and dishes are almost same with just some minor alterations, in India we call this kheer. Rice pudding made by cooking sugar, milk and rice.

  3. Melissa Price
    Melissa Price says:

    That looks delicious! Do you have to add the sugar if you’re already adding a can of condensed milk? Also you said you added some sort of crema but I didn’t understand what it was. Can you maybe post the ingredients? Thank you 🙏🏼


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