Bear Grylls goes carnivore, says vegetables not good!

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30 replies
  1. Jacqui Griffin
    Jacqui Griffin says:

    Yes, you can be relatively healthy eating only meat but it will completely change your gut microbiome so that you will NEVER AGAIN be able to eat any other foods without terrible craps and diarrhea.

  2. Nullius in verba
    Nullius in verba says:

    Ex-vegetarian here who developed GI issues on that diet, but now carnivore, and I feel great. Thanks to Dr. Shawn who inspired me. I only eat eggs, meat, fish, pork and chicken with cheese and plantains. Life is GI great!

  3. Rob W
    Rob W says:

    Vegan is insanity, but vegetables did nothing wrong. We are omnivores, like bears.

    Carnivore diet is certainly better than vegan, but good luck with the constipation. I can understand someone who says no bread no grains certainly, but vegetables like cabbage broccoli tomatoes carrots? are you kidding me? I instantly feel better from eating just picked tomatoes or carrots the living vegetables just pulled out of the ground or just pulled off of the vine are unmistakably good for you you can feel it.

  4. Thaigan Lee
    Thaigan Lee says:

    They trying to push that beyond meat experiment heavy with the celebrities/doctors. If a person want to eat plants and carb go ahead but eat real/whole/unprocessed. Cook from scratch carb&condiments.

  5. Jeff Archer
    Jeff Archer says:

    I'm on a Seefood diet.
    I see food,I eat it.
    My body needs steak but the potatoes and grilled onions add something.
    Lobster is great but for me it's going with rice,beans and a margarita.
    Meat allowed our ancestors brains and bodies to evolve and quiting what got us here seems like a bad plan.
    That said there's many vitamins, minerals,fiber and micronutrients that are found in plants and not in meat.
    Besides fruits there's broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, zucchini,kale,celery,squash, pumpkin seeds, artichoke and yams just to name a few medicinal plants and that's not even getting to beneficial fungi.
    A bodies ability to use nutrients is likely a combination of genetic heredity,a rich and varied diet early in life,the resulting microbiome and the accumulated damage from abuse such as alcohol and antibiotics.
    Attempting to quit vegetables and live off meat,dairy and fruit may not be well tolerated or even possible for some.
    Many cultures in Asia,Japan and India have very healthy long lived vital elders who ate little meat.
    Health statistics for Americans are horrible.
    Only 4 percent over 62 are in good shape while the majority are obese.
    It's not the veggies!
    It's sugar,starches,refined processed junk and inactivity.

  6. A S
    A S says:

    Not on a carnivore diet, but a coworker is a 100% vegan….that dude is on the toilet more than anyone I have ever seen. His gutt is messed up from all the soy and processed fake foods they make vegan now. Feel bad for him, he is smart, just got brainwashed with a documentary and can't think straight anymore.

  7. Doveoflove
    Doveoflove says:

    don't trust him…….he used to claim he slept out in the wild but as soon as the cameras were switched off he was booked into the nearest hotel… shill….just sayin…..research for yourself….thank you for all the free information…'s appreciated.

  8. Peter Bulloch
    Peter Bulloch says:

    I always remember an episode of the American sitcom "The Nanny" where Fran says to her always hungry mother who has voracious appetite "wow mom remind me to never get stuck in an airplane that's crashed with you" and the mother Sylvia responds " darling… know I'd eat you last"! Always makes me chuckle😁😂😃😄😅

  9. VAGabond
    VAGabond says:

    His real name is Edward, but he got called Teddy as a boy, hence teddy – bear. He’s a legend. Surname pronounced “grills”, it’s a welsh surname. Ex SAS, awesome guy. Well done Bear, you’ve done the right thing for you and your family. Respect 👊🏻


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