Bean that Tastes like Chicken! Black Soybeans Taste Test | Unusual Foods

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Canned Black Soybeans (I don’t know if they taste the same!?): Black Soybean Seeds: …

11 replies
  1. Susan Johnson
    Susan Johnson says:

    If it smells and tastes just like chicken maybe that's what came first before the chicken or the egg. And if it's finger lickin' then better open up a "no cluck no pluck mock chicken drive through! "The Vegan Chicken" Sorry, couldn't help my veganistic self🐓

  2. biospheres
    biospheres says:

    Years ago I used to sprout Black Soybeans…has the smell and slight taste of black olives…I gave up trying to sprout these days cause I believe they are being sterilized(unsproutable) suspect very protective industrial growers in Asia or could be like USA Almonds.


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