Beach Day Food Prep And Fun! Delicious Food To Enjoy In the Sunshine & More!

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Recipes Inspired By: Breakfast Burritos: Similar …

45 replies
  1. Kearstin
    Kearstin says:

    I learned with eggs is when you add salt into the mixture, it results in a more dense scrambled egg. So I normally don't add the salt until they are just about through cooking and they come out much fluffier!

  2. Lisal
    Lisal says:

    You look great. Have you considered that drinking liquid iv often may be causing fluid retention? Switch back to water for a while and see how you look/feel.

  3. Tamara Allen
    Tamara Allen says:

    Kim, we all have body issues..we tend to compare ourselves. You are Amazing, Beautiful, Strong, Great Wife, Mom, and friend. Thank You for sharing your life and family. Thanks for happiness in our day's ❤

  4. Sunshine Bakery
    Sunshine Bakery says:

    @32:08 i thought Wolfgang 💩 HAHAHA
    Also…today i FILLED my crockpot with a huge pack of pork we got at costco to have prepared meat for easy dinners ready to thaw from freezer! Its taking FOREVER to cook because i literally have it so full i can barely move the meat without spilling the juices! But hey, i'll have cooked meat for about 5 days of dinners now and all i had to do is shove it in the crock! 🤣

  5. Olivia Blassingame
    Olivia Blassingame says:

    Hey Kim!! Loving the summer vibes!!! Me and my family just got back from Hawaii, so I’m also loving the Hawaiian recipes!! 🍍
    Also, we live in Las Vegas so for us it’s so hot right now. It’s a blazing 95 degrees outside today! 🥵

  6. The art of Momma
    The art of Momma says:

    Thank you so much for the clips at the beach! It is truly my happy place, but I don’t live anywhere near the beach so I don’t get there often. I almost got emotional watching the waves! ❤ Also thanks for being vulnerable and talking about your feelings. We all need to remember to give ourselves a little grace! ❤️

  7. Katherine Everett
    Katherine Everett says:

    We are all works in progress – good for you for taking steps forward! That inner voice can be so cruel – I have been working on her for a long time! Loved your video today! Glad you had such a good time!

  8. Tanya Nichols
    Tanya Nichols says:

    Fresh ginger tip: keep the ginger knob in the freezer. It keeps it fresh forever. When you need it no need to peel just use your microplane zester to grate it! Works like magic!

  9. Rachel Weinblatt
    Rachel Weinblatt says:

    I don’t know if you will see this comment. But my immediate thought when I saw you in the bathing suit was…wow, she looks gorgeous!! And we all know you are just as beautiful inside!! Even more relatable to hear that even you have feelings of self doubt now and then.
    You are so kind and lovely. We’re all here to remind you. ❤

  10. Christie Collins
    Christie Collins says:

    I think you look amazing! And to me you are the woman across the room. I'm always wondering how you keep up with 5 kids (1 being a infant) and have the energy you do. Besides that your videos are so kind and I look forward to watching them. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Jessica H
    Jessica H says:

    I love you Kim and thank you so much for being my friend. You are an amazing real woman! You really do brighten my day and I'm sure so many other peoples day. You really are a beautiful person inside and out. God bless you!

  12. Monica Zeigler
    Monica Zeigler says:

    So true, your appearance is not what people will remember about you. We were visiting an older relative this past week and she was saying she wasn't sure about me taking a picture of her with my kids because she "doesn't take good pictures". All I could think was, it doesn't matter what she looks like, we want a picture to remember our trip and to show our kids so they can remember her. What you do and who you are will leave the impression. ❤

  13. Marcy Noble
    Marcy Noble says:

    I make energy bites with dates (processed in the food processor), protein powder, peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you want), flax seed, oats, honey (if needed), and sometimes chocolate chips. My son prefers them with some rice krispies thrown in for crunch.

  14. Mary Walker
    Mary Walker says:

    We ❤Kim thanks for everything ❤I’m always downing my self for some reason enough though my kids grown now but it’s always could’ve should’ve ☹️I’m still doing it you look great my beautiful friend 🙏🏾❤️🤚🏾

  15. pam herrick
    pam herrick says:

    Thank you for bringing the beach vibes. Love it so much! Needed it! I love the beach. I used to live at the beach meaning I was there all the time. Now I'm going to start going more. Lol growing up I was conditioned to look at other people and critique them, my mom is very critical on flaws with everyone around her. So in turn, I'm very critical of myself. As I've gotten older that has gotten better now I'm getting close to 60 and I could give two s****. Lol also you quoted from one of my very ultimate favorite movies. My daughter too. We love the "Original Parent Trap" when you said "
    I'm not saying a word., Not a single word!" Yes!! So good, I love watching every video you put out. You're Amaze balls!😊

  16. Megan Lynch
    Megan Lynch says:

    One of the biggest reasons I watch you is because I feel like you make me a better mom and person. You have so many kids and you are so busy all the time and yet you still get the dang thing done! Your killin it on the mom game. Some days I feel like I am falling apart, then watch your videos and by the end I am motivated and feel like "OK I got this" there was so much more I wanted to say but I can't put it into words. Thank you Kim for being a friend❤❤❤ you have no idea.

  17. Tracy Do Couto
    Tracy Do Couto says:

    Thank you for your last comments. Much appreciated your uplifting words to all us moms out there. I must say you are absolutely stunning just the way you are. And by the way your swim suit is gorgeous on you. With much love from South Africa


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