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Welcome to the Logues Life Vlog! We are a blended family that lives in the Seattle’s area! We love sharing our lives with our family, friends and new friends that …

16 replies
  1. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    Where did you get your ribs from? We get ours from Costco but I always love trying new ones! As far as Netflix shows I started sweet magnolias. It’s pretty good so far! 🙂

  2. Let's Cook Y'all
    Let's Cook Y'all says:

    Just the title of this video has me all giddy! Wow, that's a lot of ribs, you guys do the holiday right! Girl, you need to be a vegetarian! You remind me of my mama, she got to a point in her life where she did NOT want to brown ground meat or work with raw meat at all. I imagine I'll get there one day, but thankfully, for Tim, I'm not there yet! I'm so glad your dad agreed to pull that membrane off for you, that's the hardest part, for sure 🙂 Much easier with the paper towel, I usually poke my knife in it and tear a section and then it's easier to pull. Poor Krista, even watching him doing it and filming it was bad enough 🙁 Look at you, so brave, to push through and do it, way to go Krista!!! Aww, you are so sweet! The apple cider vinegar and water will work great, you just want the acid which helps tenderize them. Any soda works, thought diet is not as good to use, try to use regular soda 🙂 You did great girl! It won't smell as good from the IP, it's because it's a pressure cooker and it is cooking under a water based pressure or basically steaming. You'll get that smell from the grill! Once the pin is down, you are safe from blow-ups, LOL! Your dad is a grill master! We use a copper mat for ours from the IP, because they are always falling apart and the mat helps with that, you can turn them on the mat and it helps them not disintegrate more. They are really tender from the IP, more so than the grill I bet 🙂 Next time you try to do ribs, if it's on a weekend or day off, get out your IP earlier in the day and cut up some peeled russet potatoes and put them in the IP with whole, raw, washed eggs, and do a quick potato salad base in your IP. Then mix up the potato salad and put in the fridge, and then later that night, after you wash your IP, do the ribs and finish on the grill 🙂 Oh no, you are brave to admit you had a fight, real and honest and open. You guys are so sweet, Shadd said he's sorry and asked if you are alright. You guys are making me cry! Popcorn or cereal nights are good, I love them! Oh my, that cake looks amazing! I would totally eat strawberry cake, but I'm with you, if it is was chocolate, I would NOT be able to resist 🙂 I have so many things in my Watchlist at Netflix, but haven't gotten to any of them. I still haven't watched season 3 of The Crown, and I want to try the new Sweet Magnolias soon 🙂 I've been reading voraciously and not a lot of time for tv/movies. We did just finish a Mission Impossible-a-thon, we watched all 6 movies over the last few days 🙂 Uncle Tom cracks me up, LOL! Oh my gosh, Keaton, your outtros just keep getting better! You and Kenadie did a great job on your dolls, woo-hoo! Great vlog you guys! Hope your week is fabulous so far! Don't fight, be sweet to each other 🙂 Have a blessed day —Stacy 😍💚

  3. InYour Dreams
    InYour Dreams says:

    you sound like us..i made ribs in the oven with new recipe because it was storming mon,,,i wanted corn on cob and took us 3 stores to find some,,,1 store didnt even have any frozen ones, i would of settled for that,,,we finally found fresh,,i just finished 7 seconds on netflix

  4. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Those ribs are huge! I've never cooked them or eaten them either! Lol We vegged and we fought. Hopefully everything goes back to some degree of normal soon. I watched Tiger King even though I didn't think I would. Take care and stay safe from Sally and the fur crew!😊💗

  5. kkvegas
    kkvegas says:

    The ribs looked delicious! As for Netflix shows: I quite liked the series Designated Survivor, but I generally gravitate toward documentaries. I just watched the first episode of the documentary series Trial by Media, which focused on the "Jenny Jones murder." I found it to be really interesting. I'm now watching The Pharmacist, which is a four-part documentary series about a pharmacist who works to solve his son's murder and then investigates when he sees lots of opioid prescriptions coming through his pharmacy. Also, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is great when you want to be inspired to get organized.

  6. Grape TomatoGirl
    Grape TomatoGirl says:

    Have you watched LIMITLESS the tv series? It’s on Netflix.
    PSYCH is on Amazon Prime for free!
    If you’re into action movies, EXTRACTION on Netflix is a great one. However, it’s violent and there’s a scene with the head drug lord and one of his men that made me livid 😡 Lots of language too 🙄 I can’t say much else about the movie because it would give a lot away.
    We have The Andy Griffith Show on every day. 🤠

  7. Augustus Green
    Augustus Green says:

    Can you do a series of Feel Good Friday videos featuring viewer-requested good news story videos and random acts of kindness story videos of the week includes people helping their communities and people doing something for the frontline workers across America during the COVID-19 pandemic


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