Basmati Rice vs Brown Rice – Doctor clears up confusion

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Basmati Rice vs Brown Rice – Which is better? Dr Chan clears up the confusion that many people have about the difference …

42 replies
  1. The Habits Doctor
    The Habits Doctor says:

    The motivation for this video came from the many times I get asked by my patients this question about Basmati Rice vs Brown Rice, which made me realised that many people do not realise that Basmati Rice can be White Rice, Red Rice, Brown Rice, whilst at the same time, Brown Rice can come from Basmati Rice, Jasmine Rice, other types of rice. If you have found this video, I am delighted that my effort in making this video has not gone to waste, but if I have failed to achieve the goal of clearing this up this confusion or worse, even added to the confusion, then my bad! I shall reflect on how I could have done this video better and improve myself for future videos.

    Ever since I posted this video a few months ago, it has received many comments from viewers, some positive and also many negative and even angry comments. I want to thank everyone who made the effort to leave comments, regardless of whether they were positive or negative. I shall take encouragement from the positive encouraging comments but at the same time, even though I may not have or be replying to all comments, I will also not ignore or disregard the negative comments/feedback but to take such negative feedback seriously and learn from them, then use them as motivation for me to try harder to improve and make better videos moving forward. THANK YOU ALL!

    Thanks all for dropping by my channel.
    Best Regards

  2. Jane
    Jane says:

    Would like a video on carcinogens in rice. I live in the US in CA. I know not to buy rice from my home area of TX because it has a high arsenic content. Rice grown in CA is lower in arsenic. I buy rice from other parts of the world & would like to know about their carcinogenic content as my husband has kidney cancer. I am very careful what I feed him.

  3. Lee WN
    Lee WN says:

    Hi Dr Chan, thanks for this video. Appreciate your help to compare GI of Basmati White vs Jasmine white, Basmati Brown vs Jasmine brown & Basmati Red vs Jasmine Red rice . Thanks

  4. Anja Saaby Ladegaard
    Anja Saaby Ladegaard says:

    If you drink 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before eating the rice, the GI will be "lowered" since the ACV will cause a slower releasing of the starches. Or so I've been told, and it feels like it works! (for me)
    And of course, if the meal contains (healthy) fat, the total GI for the meal will be lowered.

  5. Alvin
    Alvin says:

    I have read that one may reduce arsenic content of rice buy cooking it in a large volume of water and pouring off the water when cooked rather than using a rice cooker. That makes sense. How about cooking the rice in a large volume of water, then pouring off the water before it is fully cooked, then finishing the cooking in a rice cooker to achieve the drier rice result? It seems to me that would be the better method.

  6. Alvin
    Alvin says:

    Dr Chan would be more helpful if his discussions would treat the arsenic question with regard to basmati brown or red rice, the whole grain rice varieties. I want to know if the brown basmati rice I bought from India is significantly lower in arsenic than other brown rice. How does it compare in this respect with California grown brown basmati rice or with California grown brown rice? I am now relying on an old Consumer Reports statement that Indian rice is low in arsenic. Would I do just as well to buy Californina brown rice?

  7. Sam C
    Sam C says:

    I think the Ponni rice from India has the lowest GI of 38 according to report.
    I did a comparison between organic Basmati rice and Ponni rice and the result was a lower blood sugar reading with the Ponni but cannot be conclusive because this was not tested based on HBA1C but random fasting.


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