Banquet Frozen Meals, Low Cost Inflation Fighters

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46 replies
  1. Valerie Moss
    Valerie Moss says:

    TV dinners were a treat for me as a child..I buy them now for days when I don't want to's still a treat..I am a city gal who never had a garden..and now I have acreage and don't know how to plant a

  2. Valerie Moss
    Valerie Moss says:

    When I was 10 yrs old..the movies in Philadelphia were 25 cents for kids. .another quarter got me a soda..popcorn an a candy bar..we had cartoons and 2 features..those were the days❤

  3. Mark Ristau
    Mark Ristau says:

    Hi Tom, I bought my first car, with my own money. It was a ‘67’ Cougar. I paid $600.00. That was in 1975. It was practically in mint condition. Probably worth $20,000.00 today.

  4. Jose H
    Jose H says:

    You're one of the ones to say what a person should eat for longevity since you've already done better than most of us will ever do.
    Sorry to hear that your local Burger King is closed. Hopefully it's temporary.
    Keep up the great content. It lifts our spirits in trying times. 👍

  5. redshiftexperiment
    redshiftexperiment says:

    Very good video. Seemingly simple, yet there is genuine artistic merit in watching a person talk and eat. Done without putting a flashy song and dance performance style mannerism. Like the painters of the old days that used to paint a bowl of fruit and yet a great depth is revealed in the simplicity.

  6. A Cast
    A Cast says:

    Awesome on the extra nugget! They had to know the best food reviewer star on the planet was getting that one! 😊
    Sending love from Louisa, Ky!

  7. East Coast GS
    East Coast GS says:

    You contradicted yourself about the hoarding and the stocking up you say without hoarding go out and get yourselves can stuff and box stuff and non-perishables and have extra that's that's a direct definition of hoarding and for somebody like myself that can only shop every few days with limited money and on the shelves are bare it's tough on people like myself so don't encourage hoarding please

  8. Pizza my mind
    Pizza my mind says:

    As good as processed foods are ( they are chemically made to be that way) they are terrible for you 😂 the best diet you can have is a whole food diet. Mainly plant based SOS free (salt / sugar / oil) especially processed sugars. They feed cancers. I switched my diet up drastically after watching forks over knives (highly suggest it). I still eat crap here and there and enjoy fish here and there but over all I try to eat clean. I don’t care about living forever, I’d just like to keep as many Diseases away as possible and feel great in the long run. 🥰 but I love watching people eat crap, I enjoy it sometimes, and damn is it good 😂


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