Baked Honey Cheesecake | One Pot Chef

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Baked Honey Cheesecake is a rich, sweet, creamy dessert that is perfect for parties. Cream cheese, ricotta cheese, cream, flour and eggs are combined with a …

47 replies
  1. Laura Metheny
    Laura Metheny says:

    Yum and so darling! I love honey. Use it in my coffee. Save the bees!๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’“those little bees look just like the adorable pics my youngest grandson made for me yrs ago! He is 16 now. Thankyou!๐Ÿ˜

  2. Cherie Moonpie
    Cherie Moonpie says:

    Dear Chef, when you do cake like that you could add a biscuit recommendation for your german speaking viewers: "Vollkornbutterkekse" or "Haferkekse", those two work very good with recipes like this one.

  3. OnePotChefShow
    OnePotChefShow says:

    I'm not sure about the US, but Fondant / White Icing is usually found here in the Sugar or Baking Needs Aisles at the supermarket. It comes in a block in a packet. The fondant doesn't really have much flavor, it's basically a big block of sugar that when kneaded becomes a bit like white edible modeling clay ๐Ÿ˜‰


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