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39 replies
  1. Kimberli Sauer
    Kimberli Sauer says:

    Great advice. Kids are stressed out at school. When they see that special lunch from home, it calms them. I'm a lunch lady, at a local school in my town. Trust me, if they don't want school lunch, ( Because like you said, its free) then having a home made option is so great. Lunch time is the only time they get to be themselves, relax and not think. Good job mama

  2. Crystal DuBose
    Crystal DuBose says:

    You go girl ❤. Winston is your kid fix him whatever you know he will eat! It doesn’t matter what other people think. Love your videos! Miss you when you don’t have one every day. Would love to meet you 😊

  3. Jen L
    Jen L says:

    You are exactly right! My son is in first grade also and he is a super picky eater. You make me feel more like a normal mom. I feel like some people live in their own little bubble and judge other moms too much, while excluding themselves. When my son says he will eat something during the week that's what I pack and I know he isn't sitting at school hungry.

  4. Lori Johnsto
    Lori Johnsto says:

    My younger sister didn't like to eat breakfast early in the morning before school, so she would eat Campbell's vegetable soup for breakfast. Mama asked the doctor about it, he said as long she was eating something let her eat it.

  5. Kim Davis
    Kim Davis says:

    It just makes me sick to hear you got hate mail about what your Son chooses to eat! Really folks!! If i want to give my son a damn Budweiser I will so shut up!!
    Tend to your own biscuits and life will be gravy!
    Hey Max! Have Momma pick you up a sirloin on the way home 🤣🤣
    I love you Tam ♥️♥️

  6. Lisa Landry
    Lisa Landry says:

    Great tips. From another picky eater mom I totally get it. My daughter is now 21 and STILL is as picky as she was in younger years. She only eats a handful of things but like you say “fed is best” I thought she would outgrow it in high school and college but NOPE she will not try new things. She has never even eaten a hamburger or hot dog!

  7. lvwest80
    lvwest80 says:

    Honestly I am almost 42 and have Crohn's Disease. Lately in the last six months I have become very picky and have had issues with so many different foods that I'm down to picking at about four or five different things. It is a struggle for some to understand it, but sometimes sensory, taste, smell, or texture issues, or aversion just makes it not worth eating a certain food.

  8. Patricia Hartless
    Patricia Hartless says:

    Hello Tamara and Winston . Thanks for sharing . Your meal ideas for other children . That are in school now . I don't have to do this now . My great-grandchildren are picky eaters . Their mom has to deal with them . Thanks for helping all the other Mom's out .

  9. April Clancy
    April Clancy says:

    Great video!!!! 👍💜
    Best pediatrician I ever had was one that said if you can only get your child to eat plain hotdogs…. be grateful he’s eating. ~Truer words never spoken! Lol~

  10. Kim Johnson
    Kim Johnson says:

    As a former lunch mom, great tips, especially not sending new food. You would be surprised how many kids really struggle when they open their lunch box and it is something they have never seen before. I have mentioned before, my middle son was/is still picky just go with what they want. Funny side note, as a young adult he has know developed the sixth sense to differentiate brands of foods. Makes me nuts! I love him so it's ok. Have a great day everyone.

  11. BadassUnicorn
    BadassUnicorn says:

    I just remembered a trick I learned from my sons therapist (when he was younger and would refuse to eat). She said use something to trigger his appetite, whether it was a brownie or chips etc. something he really liked, after that he would eat a bigger meal of something else like chicken nuggets or a quesadilla. I did whatever it took because it’s no fun being hungry!

  12. BadassUnicorn
    BadassUnicorn says:

    People have no right to judge. My son is Asperger’s and eats the same thing for months at a time because that’s what he likes otherwise he won’t eat at ALL. 🤬🤬 people who judge make me so mad.

  13. A V
    A V says:

    Water & salt works perfectly for apples! Seriously life changing and just found this out the year my son graduates! 😭
    Anyway, I fill large cereal bowl w water and add about 1 teaspoon pink salt. Soak for about 5-7 min. Rinse in small colander and let some water drip off. Package up & no brown apples come lunch time! Son says they are not salty. Wish I knew this years ago!!

  14. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    Great video Thank you for sharing Tamara have a blessed day stay safe and healthy. Some great tips and tricks. My son's and grandsons are grown up so I don't make lunches anymore but I love watching you and the choices you decide on keep up the great job. You are a wonderful momma. 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

  15. LaVerne Jones
    LaVerne Jones says:

    Hi Tamara. I enjoyed your tips and tricks even though my kids are all adults now. My youngest mostly ate cheese and mandarin oranges when she was a toddler. She’s 19 now and she’s still extremely picky when it comes to certain foods. I think your tips were great. Thanks for sharing 😊

  16. Rachel Hero
    Rachel Hero says:

    My son used to absolutely love French toast sticks, sausage and fruit for lunch. Don’t be afraid to let them have breakfast for lunch! People focus so hard on WHAT kids are eating versus making sure they are fed. I love your statement “fed is best!” That is so true!!

  17. bryn B
    bryn B says:

    This is going to sound so weird. But I swear it worked for me 😂. Neither of my kids liked cooked veggies or raw veggies but one day i was making a soup and had out the frozen mixed veggies mix and I gave them each some. They thought it was hilarious and they each ate about a half a cup of them. They liked the novelty and I think the texture was better for them. Whatever it takes. I totally agree about lunch time. A fed kid is a happy kid and a hungry kid cannot concentrate in class.

  18. Kim Fenimore
    Kim Fenimore says:

    Happy Wednesday Tamara and Luke also Winston and Max also friends here. Peace and Love and Joy and Kindness 😇 🥰 💕 💖. How's everyone doing this week? Thanks for sharing your vlogs with us all here Amen 🙏 🙌 😊 .Peace and Love and Joy and Kindness. Lots of love and hugs to our family's and friends also neighbors Amen. We really appreciate your family 👪 and friends also. Stay safe and healthy also cool and God bless. Have a blessed week friends ❤ 💖. We love your family and appreciate your cooking recipes Tamara and Luke and Winston. Today is the farmers market later this afternoon. My family and I also Julie said hello 👋. We send our Love and Prayers to our family's and friends also neighbors Amen 😇 🥰 ❤ 💕 💖 🙏. Have a safe Labor Day friends 😘 💖. Your very kind and caring also supportive and loving family and friend Tamara. Take care for now you all 😇 🥰 ❤ ♥ 💖 💕. We really enjoyed your vlogs Tamara and family 👪 ❤ 😊 💖. Have a blessed evening tonight friends. Lots of love to our sweet friends. 😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰😇🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤💜❤💙❤💜❤💙❤💜❤💙❤💜❤💙❤💜❤💙🌸🌷💐🌼🌻🌺🌹🏵🌼🌻🌺🌹🏵🌷🌸💐🧸🪅🪆♥️🧸🪅🪆♥️🧸🎊🎋🎀🎊🎋🎀🎊🎋🎀🎊🎋🎀🎊🎈🎉🎈🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉


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