Azure Standard Grocery Haul | Large Family Life | Sourdough Pizza

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A BIG SURPRISE! Azure Standard Haul | Sourdough Pizza Dough Chapters 00:00 Introduction …

44 replies
  1. Lynette
    Lynette says:

    Hello from far Northern California! I have been prepping for quite some time now, dehydrating, canning, freezing, vacuum sealing, stocking up on beans, rice, grains, potatoes, powdered milks and heavy creams, butter, cheese powders, herbs, spices, elderberries, dried fruits, vitamins, coffee, teas, medicinal herbs, pain relievers, band aids, gauze, water. I have five different sourdough starters, ( born on 11/20/20) including gluten free. I have some of the starters, dried, powdered and frozen in case of loss of power. I am with you, a “ from scratch” cook/baker. Thank you for your channel, love it!

  2. Name Here
    Name Here says:

    When you mill flour within 1 day, 40% of nutrients are lost and by day 3, 90% of nutrients are lost. They oxidize. You're losing a ton of nutrients by not milling fresh.

  3. Frances C
    Frances C says:

    Prices are going up for sure. We eat so many eggs. Flour and grains are getting outta control. And ground beef oh my stars, I stock up every time it goes under $3.

  4. The Climbing Grandma
    The Climbing Grandma says:

    Mixing sourdough starter and 00 flour makes for great pizza dough. Three ingredients, sourdough starter, 00 flour and salt. Makes for a thin crust. I start mine on parchment paper and remove for the last few minutes. Love your sourdough loaves!

  5. Veronica Clark
    Veronica Clark says:

    Hey Katie!! Hello from Virginia! Enjoy your time with your family! Happy birthday to you and your daughter! I enjoy watching your grocery hauls especially when it’s Azure, you give e ideas of what to order and try.

  6. Susan Taylor
    Susan Taylor says:

    Yes our little Walmart hasn't had no eggs they said they had 3 trucks and no eggs yes I'm buying and learning to make my own tortillas my husband bought me a molcajete a pig lava stone grinder for herbs salsa and guacamole now I'm getting a Mexican hand grinder for corn to make the tortillas

  7. Sharon Swisher
    Sharon Swisher says:

    I've been a prepper for decades. My oldest daughter has always said that each one of my children (I have 4) could come to Moms and grocery shop for a weeks worth of groceries and Mom (Me) would still have enough for a small army. Lol. I just garden, buy in bulk, can, dehydrate, ferment and freeze whatever I get my hands on. We need to, especially now a days.

  8. Carol
    Carol says:

    You were the sunshine in my morning. I've been living off my prep since inflation hit. I'm hoping to order from Azure soon. Have you tried frozen homemade popsicles for the teething? Or frozen grapes.

  9. Essie V
    Essie V says:

    We used flour in the pizzeria, some use semolina, under the pizzacrust, we didn't like that, it's too gritty . Dip your doughball in a bowl of flour, both sides, without pressing, prevents the sticking

  10. Lseverett5
    Lseverett5 says:

    Katie..random goofy question but the song playing as you are msking pizza ..what is it please. The singer sounds so familiar. Enjoy your family time..there is nothing like that! I know you are thrilled to have them there.

  11. scwendy
    scwendy says:

    The jaw muscle talk was killing me😂 I eat high raw so I get quite the work-out, but it just tickled me🤷🏼‍♀️❤️ I am not much of a bulk person because most of what we eat is fresh and I don’t have much storage space for the shelf stable items we do eat. I’ve been curious about Azure, but I don’t see a huge difference in their prices versus my local sources. But in general things are less in the area where I live!


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