Authentic Tacos Al Pastor

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Ingredients 5 lbs pork shoulder (boneless) Marinade 1/3 cup chili powder (see below) 2 tbsp achiote paste (optional, See note 1) 1 white onion (skin removed …

23 replies
  1. KD
    KD says:

    I currently have the pork shoulder marinating in the fridge! I'm roasting it in the oven tomorrow, is it best to baste during the roasting process or after it's done? Thanks, Kevin! This looks so delicious.

  2. Joel Traas
    Joel Traas says:

    Did I get the wrong cut of meat? Asked for pork shoulder at the butcher shop but when I went to slice it all fell apart… was barely held together with string. Marinating now will try cook it tomorrow. I doubt it will layer as nice as in the video, it’s just a chopped up mess

  3. Henrik Jessen
    Henrik Jessen says:

    Can you follow the instructions for the grill method and just put it into the oven? for 3,5 hours with 250 F ? I don't think i will get the same caramelized with the slow cooked oven version

  4. Jesse Sanchez
    Jesse Sanchez says:

    Guys a majority of so called Mexican restaurants here in the U.S. don't even make these type of tacos like this guy did.
    They now take a shortcut and just take the meat and fry it on a big skillet, with no pineapple, and or drippings of any kind.
    It pisses me off that there is virtually no place to get the type of Taco De Trompo that this guy just made. This man is a genius!

  5. Jesse Sanchez
    Jesse Sanchez says:

    Video was ok. BUT, why didn't you keep showing it step by step till it was done?
    I'm an idiot, when it comes to cooking, so how did you grill it? I'm thinking you used the oven? Please! Explain it to me as I love these type of tacos, they are my number one favorite. Your final product looks amazing!!

  6. Rick Miclat
    Rick Miclat says:

    now thats the way to make the pastor for oven cooking and double the pinapple!!! Excellent!!! Doing this tomorrow Already marinaded pork 48 hours but of course you don’t reply!!! Guga!!!

  7. Dawna Sharp
    Dawna Sharp says:

    Oh my gosh I’m dying here! I had this at a local tiny Mexican restaurant. The locals ate their. They didn’t speak much English. So very very delicious. Give me this, Haas avocados and fruit and veggies and I can live off it.


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